Final Appeal.

Day 1,677, 22:09 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

Dear esteemed citizens of eAustralia,

I have served you, the people of eAustralia, for an impressive six terms since I joined eRepublik a year ago. I have always done my best to stay active and make well thought-out and well-versed decisions. I have been one of the most active Senators in Parliament and I believe I have the best interests of eAustralia at heart. I would love, once again, to serve you in this upcoming Congress (Senate). I have recently presented a platform outlining my appeal to you, the voters, explaining why I think you should vote for me on the 25th of June.

We must have a strong and stable government, both executive and legislative, with self-effacing leaders not concerned with themselves but, instead, concerned with the condition of the country and the people. Whatever the outcome on the 25th, this election stands to be one of the more exciting and interesting ones with many more players participating. I wish everybody good luck and Godspeed!

HOW TO VOTE FOR LANCER450 in game mechanics:
> Vote the button beside LANCER450

Kindest regards,