Fed Fun - Status #3 1/2

Day 2,510, 00:30 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury

Welcome to the 3rd 1/2 version of the Fed Fun Update ... as you can tell I am a bit late with this edition but rest assured it's worth it. Yesterday we had two amazing things happen ... we gave away both jackpots in the same contest and we had 1320cc paid out. Sadly I forgot to unlock the Lucky Lotto after making the payout's so this week each participant will receive an additional 10cc, that means if you have make a valid entry and you have a donation link either in your signature or with your entry you will receive a total of 40cc just for playing this week!

If your either a member of the Fed Forums or looking to join then jump over to the Real Life Banter section and join this weeks Lucky Lotto! Last Weeks Payout !!!

We're Hiring

That's right the Fun Department is hiring once again and we are looking to fill the ranks with ethusiatic and active staff. The highest position available is the Deputy Director position and if you want to one day run the department you'll have to be the Deputy Director so why do you send me a message and tell me what you bring to the table .. who knows you could be the Deputy within the next week!

Sadly I haven't had the time to do any new contest's but rest assured now that I can access the web anywhere we will have a new contest up and running by the end of the week. So while you wait why don't you join one of the contest's and event's we currently have going on now!!!

Although we haven't opened any new large payout contest's or event's we have restarted an old favorite last week .. Ask Me Anything ( AMA ) is back from the archive's and recently we had dk3dknight as the first contestant ... this week we have started AMA #2 - Ask Trekker Anything.

The point of AMA is to introduce you to members of the Party Leadership and let you ask questions so as to better get to know them. They have 24 hours to answer your question or you will receive 1cc, the more questions you ask the better the chance you get some spending money plus you'll get to know them better.

The Fed's Sexiest Lizard is on Deck and Waiting for your Questions ... Ask one here!

Here is the current list of activities we are currently running ...

Ask Trekker Anything - AMA #2 | Last Week's Lucky Lotto Payout | Graphics Extravaganza

As always please check the site for any new pressing matters at either fedph.us or proudhorny.us

Other Important Topics:

[WAR STASH] SCAVENGER HUNT - Stop the Infection ( WookyJack & Others )

[DoCB] United America Contest

[TB4CP] TB4CP Endorsement ( Nick Bergman )
[TB4CP] Tyler Bubblar Part Deux ( Scott Coyle )

A special thanks goes out to:

Former Fun Zone Director and now current Adviser / Temporary Co-Deputy Director of the Fun Department

Director of Retention / SHIELD Quarter Master General / Fun Department Adviser and Temporary Co-Deputy Director

Evil Elvis
Co-Director of the FBI ( Forum Security ) / Co-Lead Web Team / SHIELD Graphics Team

Fed Party President / SHIELD 2nd XO and all around awesome friend!

... and every member of the Federalist Party and SHIELD without all of your efforts we would not only not being the largest eUSA Political Party but also nothing at all. Thanks as always and remember if you got a Game / Contest or Event idea we will be very happy to hear it.
