eUSA - eRussia, cooperation proposal

Day 620, 23:50 Published in USA Russia by GuestNag

Third World War is over, it's time to look into the future.

1) RL Russia and RL United States has a huge potential for growth. A little bit of effort and the baby boom provided.
2) With the introduction of citizenship has a singularity. The population of the conquered countries can not do TO.

Hence the proposal - eRussia and eUSA make the alliance,
and after that will conquer the entire eWorld. Completely. No exceptions.

Q) No such amount of gold.
A) Productivity increases linearly for all workers, increasing amount of money and gold. In the future we have enough gold.

Q) Why is this needed
A) for fun

Q) Dude you crazy
A) YES! yes yes yes 🙂

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P.S. google-language written