eUK CP Election August 2013 Results

Day 2,086, 08:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis

Apologies if this looks like it's been thrown up in 5 minutes .. it took around 15 to 30 minutes, actually .. lol

So, here are the final, official results .. released well late [what were the admins doing?]

So Carlini was duly elected in probably one of the cleanest election campaigns for a long time. Considering Carlini had the backing of both TUP & New Era, not surprising there wasn't any mud-slinging ... well, none relating directly to the election anyway.

The Freemasons were hung out to dry by both New Era & RDP .. sorry, we still see you all as the same party .. which meant that the Zaph4Second campaign by the Dentists paid off [I've included UKPP in the backers as Zaphod won the ballot but it seems FragUK forgot to press the button in time]

The "also-rans" did well with The Britannia Party picking up a few floating voters.

Turn-out was still depressingly low! Come on people, you get an email to remind you [unless you've now elected to turn that off, that is]

So, for those who can't read figures, here's an alternative take on the results:

Hint: the big green chunk is the winner 😛

And to finish off, I'm going to thrust another pic of Karen Gillan down your throats: