eNorth Korea Financial Assistance

Day 1,377, 01:37 Published in North Korea North Korea by MeiFawAn

For a better eNorth Korea, we need to know active citizens' desire in eNorth Korea and support those who are really loyal to eNorth Korea.

Please fill this form to help us collect the information and after you have done it, you will get a small present from me.

1)erep ID
2)Porfile Link
3)Which alliance do you prefer?
4)Will you stay in eNK for longtime?
5)Which Military are you in for now?(If you are not in any, just fill "none")
6)Do you receive any other financial assistance?(including the one that is not related to eNorthKorea)
7)Chat Tools you are usually using for erepublik.(Note: Office IRC channel is #NK)
😎Your suggestion.

Click the link to fill the form:http://tinyurl.com/3mjruo6

Thank you.
