eIndonesia - eMacedonia Training War Agreement

Day 4,005, 05:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by MoFA Republic Of eIndonesia

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Traning War Agreement eIndonesia & eMacedonia

1. eIndonesia & eMacedonia will conduct a Training War (ping-pong).

2. Two Training Wars will be conducted at Kalimantan and Lesser Sunda Island (eIndonesia should be wins at LSI and eMacedonia wins at Kalimantan).

3. eMacedonia will rent the region of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

4. Rental fees to be paid by eMacedonia is 20k/region and tax returns.

5. eIndonesia will not open Resistance War and help fight in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

6. Tax refunds will be made every week and rent payments every 1st of every month.

7. eMacedonia will protect if eIndonesia is attacked by another country.

8. This agreement will be renewed every 1st of every month.

Additional point
~eMacedonia will not use the eIndonesian territory to attack other countries or training war with other countries.

~If one of the parties violates the agreement, Training War pingpong will be halted.
And the violating party must accept the violated party sanction.

eIndonesia MoFA,
Le Flora.

TW (Training War eIndonesia & MKD)

1. eIndonesia & MKD akan TW di LSI (Lesser Sunda Island) & Kalimantan.
eIndonesia akan menang di LSI, MKD menang di Kalimantan.

2. MKD akan menyewa Sumatra & Kalimantan dengan biaya/bulan 20k cc/region yang akan dibayar MKD di setiap awal bulan & mengembalikan pajaknya ke eIndonesia setiap minggu.

3. Jika diperlukan, eIndonesia akan membantu hit di Sumatra & Kalimantan untuk kemenangan MKD.

4. Setiap pelanggaran dalam perjanjian ini akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai kesepakatan yang berlaku.

5. Kesepakatan ini akan diperbarui di setiap awal bulan.

Le Flora
MoFA eIndonesia.