eIndonesia economy

Day 923, 12:39 Published in Brazil Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

Hello Brasil!
In Slovenia I'm publishing a series of articles about economy of Pheonix countries and thought it would be good to publish them somewhere aswell not just in Slovenia.
So, if you like this article, vote and sub and if there will be good response, I'll translate other articles and publish new ones aswell.

eIndonesia has 18080 citizens and is by nr. of citizens ranked 7 on e-world. Today 183 new players joined. Average level of eIndonesian citizens is 15 and strenght 3.98. eIndonesia has 9 regions, only one of them has high resources (Sumatra - high oil). 7 out of 9 regions have Q5 hospital and 3 regions have DS, 2x Q5 DS and one Q3. Capital region is Java.


Minimal salary eIndonesia has set is 1.00 IDR, average is 6.02 IDR.
GDP: 2346 gold
monthly import/export: 571 gold
inflation: -20.18%
treasury: 161 gold, 12071 IDR and about 400-500 gold in other currencies.
trading embargoes: Croatia, Slovakia and Australia

Q1 gift - 1.46 IDR (1.66/1.69)*
Q1 food - 0.56 IDR (0.64/0.67)
Q2 food - 1.47 IDR (1.67/1.67)
Q3 food - 3.08 IDR (3.50/3.54)
Q1 weapon - 3.80 IDR (4.32/3.72)
Q3 weapon - 13.2 IDR (15.0/12.14)
Q5 weapon - 31.33 IDR (35.6/29.83)

As you can see, eIndonesians have quite cheap food and gifts, but their weapons are pretty expensive.
*note: first is price in Indonesia, transfered to BRL currency, second is price of product in Brasil

1 gold = 37.518 IDR
1 gold = 42.85 BRL
1 BRL = 0.88 IDR

president: Vlavin
congress: 2 liberitarian parties (51% of congress), 2 anarchist (27😵 and one authoritative (21😵

wars: North Korea (training wars with Russia), China and Poland (over Slovenia)

-biggest fall: Latvian BRI group Lv for 99.5%, company is worth 556 gold
-biggest raise: Spanish bayonna for 1300%, company is worth 90 gold
Monetary market:
1 gold = 45.3 TRY
South Korea
1 gold = 69.85 KRW

I write this, because i'm doing bussiness on monetary market. Last two days i did not have much luck, since these two currencies are stable for past 3 days. Because of this I'll probably have to start looking over Philipines and Pakistanian currency. If you want, you can invest in me (up to 3 gold) and i'll try to make more out of that. If you want to be a part of this bussiness over me, donate me up to 3 gold and in PM write where you want me to invest it and in how much time you want gold back. You get at least what you invested back, usually more. from eranings i take 1% or at least 0.01 gold.

-what products do you mostly buy?
-what products do you want cheaper?
-would you buy product, if it came from other country?
-if you answered on 3rd question with no, why?

Write answers in comments or over PM.

This poll is for me important, since me and FICHOD are creating company and we will import products from other countries to you cheaper.
If you want something cheaper, just sned us PM and we will try to get it for you.
So far happy clients are Matevzs1 (he bought Q3 house) and klemenju (bought Q5 guns, which made him battle hero)
Today Slovenia swapped region Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg with Germany and we would like to thank them for it!
Thank you Germany!


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