eCyprus elections - Impressions and thoughts

Day 2,207, 16:52 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

This month we had such an interesting election of Country President. The candidates were all well-known to the community

With camilo having won this quite easily, I will pose my thoughts about the candidates

He has worked as MoD most of every other candidate for eCyprus
Has supplied numerous times
has organized things etc
he deserves the medal much, he is real kanki and veeery old panpa

Depici is a controversial personality in the community. He will have his fan-club and his haters.
I know depici for a long time. He is a really respected person worldwide, he wants to offer things rather than gain. Biggest disadvantages: he is not stable. he has ups and downs and he is fakin unpredictable
He has completed a great term in the past and I was really happy to see him back on politics this month as a candidate. However, the truth is that he hasn't been much into things last months (politics, group PMs, operations, activity)
but he is depici. we always trust him and want him by our side 😉

It's impossible to be eCypriot or even foreigner and not love this guy. Always ready for fun, abi of pampuan and loved personnel in the community by everyone. Another one glorious CP of the past. Lately, he has been more into trolling and entertaiment in the game and this is why we love him.
What's better than a "geialaba" in IRC from him? 😃

4.The Maymun
Well, this guy is a mystery for me. I remember him as booggie, he seemed very cool guy but he is mostly well known to Turkish speaking people in the island. I would like him to be more active on eCY politics, more articles to see his opinions and have a more clear view of "who he is" behind this nickname. Maybe he is the only I trust so much even if I don't know him well

My congratz to camilo and the rest candidates

Don't ever forget that eCyprus is the motherland of fun, entertaiment and brotherhood and our glorious e-nation

Last but not least: UNITED-WE-SIKERT

marcelbok 😘