
Day 920, 12:48 Published in Turkey Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

Yesterday's article was not in popular demand, so today i'll publish only shorten version of original Slovenian article.

eGermany has population of 6139 citizens, 108 new. Their average level is 15 and strenght 4.34. It has 15 regions (original, Austrian and Slovenian). It has 2 high regions, both grain (Brandenburg and Berlin, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg) and multiple medium regions. Capital region is Saarland, also only region with hospital (Q5) and defense system (Q2).


Their minimal salary is 1.00 DEM and average of 6.13 DEM.
GDP: 2904 gold
monthly import/export: 845 gold
inflation: 5.89%
treasury: 8.5 gold, 3042 DEM and about 400 gold in other values.
Monetary market:

Turkish TRY today fell low (in the morning almost 43 TRY for 1 gold) and is now quite stable at about that number (a bit lower). Today i didn't have much profit from monetary market.

Now announcment:
I am selling Q4 House for 30 gold (the price can be lower after agreement)!
I also sell Q3 food by the price of 0.08 gold (you save 40 cents/piece)

If you want to buy, send me a PM.

All comments are welcome, so are votes and subs.

System shutdown, eSlovenian embassador in eTurkey