eAustralia Census - please read and take part

Day 2,589, 21:19 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Ministry of Finance

Greetings Australia!

First and foremost a very Merry Christmas from all of us here at the DoEE!! I hope you all have a smashing Christmas Break and 2015 is a happy and successful one for you.

Onto business!

We in Government have been talking about carrying out a census of the Aussie population. We want to know some stuff just for our own interest – where people are from, what level/ Strength, etc.

But more importantly we are also trying to gauge the reaction to some recent and ongoing initiatives and to work out what more we could be doing to raise activity and help new players get started.

If you are an eAustralian citizen – please, please take about 4 minutes of your time to complete this quick survey:


This will be live for about 10 days, or until I can find a decent enough internet connection and some free time on my travels to pull the results.

Please do help us out here – we really are trying to do the best job possible in giving eAustralia a stable and successful future and this will help us.

Thanks everyone, and compliments of the season to you all!


PS in the very likely event that I've fucked something up in my survey please let me know! It's Christmas Eve Eve and I'm naturally drunk.