eAlbanian MoFA!

Day 2,324, 02:12 Published in Albania Albania by AUTOCHTHONOUS ILLYRICUM

You have successfully moved to Epirus,Albania.

Friends,and allies,bros,Albanians this was our day,last night we had an epic battle.

eGreece's government did a wrong move,we offered to them a NAP,what what they did,ignore us,thinking themself as superpower,with eSerbia's help.
eGreece gov,we liberate 3 times Kosovo from eSerbia,we make it red,don't you know?
We can have few soldiers in here,can be smaller then you,but we have values that no one have,we have great friends,true friends!

So you made 2 mistakes,NEing us,and ignore our NAP offer!So we can't do nothing anymore,you forced us to this:

A big up for Sirius,maximum respect for Aurora,great strategy from Enigma and the High Council of Albania.A big hurrah for all our soldiers,they have a strong hard,they can give everything for an epic battle!

Some didn't trust that we could turn the wall after loosing 22-44,what I said to them? - "This is us,ALBANIANS,born to die fighting and dissoby"

Terroristas,hope you enjoyed this,and have some popcorn left 😛 Respect to you my friends,respect to true Greeks!Thank you for everything you have done for us allies,you didn't leave us,you were with us once more,you make this possible,all Albanians made this!

So,HAIL everyone of you bros!
Hail all of you friends!
Hail Enigma!
Hail ALbania!

Bac u kry,Cameria e kuqe,na prisni o motra e vellezer ne Cameri,e coni te fala cdo pellembe toke Shqipfolese ne te,coni te fala Hajdarages edhe trimave tjere atje,Ju faleminderit te gjitheve o miq,vatani ju falenderon per cka bet mbrem edhe sot,e di,memedheu yne SHQIPTARIA esht krenar per ne,per te gjithe ne,per cka arritem se bashke,cka mund te arrijme ne te ardhmen me teper!Kto jemi ne SHQIPTAR!KRENAR e SHQIPTAR!

Ju lumte qe te gjitheve,bravo ju qofte!
E te falenderojm Enigmen,Keshillin e Larte,cdo MU edhe cdo ushtar Shqiptar,cdo donator,te gjithe e beme te mundur!

Rrofshi ju!
Rrofte Cameria!