DonMogul's Fun Times from the Past Part Two

Day 1,745, 20:31 Published in India India by DonMogul
The Background to this Article

I left the United Kingdom Reform Party (UKRP) due to a great deal of political mudslinging WITHIN the party. I bailed out from there and joined The Unity Party (TUP) where I stayed for the remainder of my days in the UK.

3 time UK President Dishmcds (a member of UKRP) decided not to run again which made his party scramble to find their candidate for the election on February 5. They eventually decided on JerryGFL.

This caused a great deal of concern with the minor parties (UKRP had a dominance in UK politics like our own IU in its heyday). Jerry's activity was at best sporadic (he'd be on like a maniac for a week and then gone for a fortnight) and his experience wasn't exactly up to scratch either.

The minor parties in the UK banded together to form what came to be called The Yellow Submarine Coalition. Through a lengthy process we settled on Final Destiny to be our candidate.

With the announcement of Final Destiny as the Coalition candidate, Rayf Drayson (until within a few days of this announcement a member of the UKRP) posted an article stating that he was refusing to vote in the CP elections. He attacked the coalition as 'undemocratic' and 'a jealous attack on UKRPs rightful place in UK society'.

This attack inspired me to write one of my best pieces of journalism I have produced in eRepublik.

The following article was posted on Day 441.

This article is written in response to this article written for the Bristol Herald by Rayf Drayson

This election is the most democratic election that I have ever been privileged to see. It truly is the best election since I joined the UK about 5 months ago now. Everyone has finally been given a voice on who should lead the UK.

For all of those who do not know how this monumental Coalition was formed and how it went about finally selecting Final Destiny to be its presidential candidate, I will tell you.

The non-UKRP party leaders joined together at the conference table discussing their concerns about the UKRP candidate JerryGFL. The chief concern was Jerry's apparent sporadic activity, while they (and this author) appreciates that this is largely due to RL commitments, they believed that the UK needed a leader that would first and foremost be active. The second concern was that they believed that Jerry was not yet ready for the top job. They felt his experience did not really meet the criteria for a position such as Country President.

The problem was that due to the UKRPs massive party size and massive army of 'sheep voters' JerryGFL is almost guaranteed the top job despite sporadic activity and relative inexperience. Each party leader then went to their party members and proposed that we form a Coalition. This was accepted with great enthusiasm amongst the Coalition parties.

Then came the problem of who would be the leader of the Coalition? Who was active enough? Who was the most experienced? And (most importantly) who was the best man (or woman!) for the job?

The Coaltion then posted a poll of candidates in the UK forums where all party members of the Coalition could vote on who they believed was the best possible choice for the United Kingdom. It soon became apparent that some of the candidates were not as popular as the top two which were Final Destiny and BBB. There was one last poll between FD and BBB and Final Destiny won the poll in a tight contest.

Can anyone please tell me what is so undemocratic about this process? The majority of active UK citizens voted in these polls... each person had an equal voice, furthermore, not a single person voiced their outrage in the coalition forums, so clearly this has a lot of inside support.

So, instead of the original 5 candidates we were looking at before, due to this extremely democratic process of events, we now have just two. On the one hand we have JerryGFL's coalition, with his own party UKRP and a new party called Scottish Labour. On the other hand, we have Final Destiny's coalition with his own party, Free-Thinking Party, backed by The Unity Party led by Squiddy, Peoples Communist Party led by Hassan Pesaran and Movement for Democratic Unity led by Big Boy Bully and Oexis - all of which are huge names in the political and military spheres of the eUK. When either candidate is elected via democratic process, it will be because they were chosen by the will of the people. Isn't this what democracy is about?

I am amazed that anyone is calling this election undemocratic. It is the most democratic UK election I have ever seen!

Good luck to BOTH candidates and let the will of the people decide who is the best person for the top job - President of the United Kingdom.