Department of Finance and Industry Report

Day 606, 17:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

Well, I have a few things to cover.

Spending Report 15th-18th July:
The first of the four-day spending reports is released.
This one isn't particularly interesting as not much has been spent (yet).
I'd appreciate if Ministers who have funds allocated would contact me regarding their budgeted funds.

Currency Stabilisation and Adjustment:
The currency stabilisation and adjustment measures have been successful so far.
We even managed to do it before the majority of speculators swooped in to take advantage.

Tax Reforms Update:
From what I've seen initially, government income exceeds what we got previously despite concerns over tax evasion. It looks like a tax cut from 12% to 10% will be on the cards, so look forward to it!
The income is also less erratic than what we saw prior to the changeover in dependencies from VAT to income tax.

Overseas State Company Project:
This project sadly must be suspended until the current international turmoil has subsided, as we cannot afford to put gold abroad when it may be needed to pay for military resources in the event of invasion. Instead, state aid to internal private Irish companies will be considered.

State Housing Scheme:
Applicants for the State Housing Scheme must contact the Department of Health, who will collect the applications and send them onto the Department of Finance and Industry for processing. Payment will be made to the Department of Health.