Dear Hungary: Are You Masochist ?

Day 1,494, 10:59 Published in Cyprus USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
Dear citizens of eRepublik,

Today i have been aged 1 year more due to some Magyar comments on this article.
Our dear Magyar enemies say that they have no respect in ONE.HQ and voting processes get done under Serbian interests.
Also majority of those guys look annoyed and bored of takin' seat in ONE alliance.
I want to ask only one question to our Magyar enemies: Are you Masochist or What ?

Since I have started to this game I was always enemy with you and I didn't count how many times I fought against you like you did against my birth place (U S A) and current homeland Cyprus.
I just don't understand how a group of players can humiliate themself just for some more Damage.
You say with your own mouth that ONE doesn't respect your choices, preferences and stance. This is madness to obey Serbian and Polish yoke after all that kind of things.

I might be havin' common ancestors with you in real life such as my Belarusian identity in real life too, but If you seek how many times I fought for Belarus in this game you can just see 2 or 3 times and 1 of those fights was just for raising my Mercenary number.
I know that I'm playing a 'GAME' and i don't need to be the part of what i'm forced to be according to game mechanics. That's why I am fighting for Terra/EDEN. I prefer Frendship and Respect instead useless and meaningless genetic attribute.

Hungary is a nice country in itself at with Organization talent and Assistance soul, but it's workin' until you win some proved recognition. Serbia and Poland are using you like a condom to protect themselves against EDEN powers. It's time to get up for your Government like the majority of your citizens.
I don't say let's join up with EDEN/Terra but at least you can have a neutral status until you see some countries prove that they are your truly and good friends.

OFC, If you take the risk of losing 300 million daily damage of Serbia and some hundreds of million of Poland.

An Eternall Citizen of INCI.