CvP, vote for Mattoze5!

Day 512, 10:02 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Hey everybody,

Now, this is a odd article because I'm not in the CvP. In fact, I'm in the AAP.

But I want you to know that I fully support Mattoze5 for CvP PP. Now, it's not that I have anything in particular against Desertfalcon, but it seems like he gets elected every single time just so that he can nominate himself for a presidential run. Once as he informed me, he didn't do so. Great, one time.

Otherwise, I don't ever really hear from him. Now that may be unfair as I am not CvP, but that's the general idea that I get and have heard from other players including those within the CvP party.

Mattoze5 and I ran into each other because we were running against each other in Illinois. Though I won and he lost, we both gained a friendship because through chatting we came to understand each others views and believe that either he or me would be great choices for Illinois. And now I think both he and I are great choices for PP.

Mattoze5 has got some great ideas for the party, just check out his newspaper articles for a more detailed view of what he has to offer. Unlike Desertfalcon's slander, his ideas will work. It's sad that Desertfalcon can't seem to get himself away from smearing those around him. I can back Mattoze5 statements that he is active and will continue to be active all month long and working hard for the CvP.

I hope that you give him the chance to lead your party because it's about time for a change. Though the CvP has done well, it is not due to any thanks from the presence of Desertfalcon. The CvP grew alot but it's stagnatedne and needs w leadership. I know that Mattoze5 will put forth the good effort towards increasing the name and power of the CvP.