Crnogorski tenkovi / Montenegro tanks

Day 1,666, 08:10 Published in Poland Montenegro by Vladika.

Čekajući da mi se dopuni well, odlučih da Vas upoznam sa Crnogorskim tenkovima,
igračima koji su u RL-u iz Crne Gore. Vodio sam se uslovom Srpskih Titana, tako da ću Vam predstavit igrače koji imaju udarac veći od 10k sa Q6 tenkom.

No.1 Neprikosnoveni Vladika Armon

Hit:15.160, Str:20.170, Rank:God Of War

No.2 TheKralj

Hit:13.554, Str:17.991, Rank:God Of War

No.3 Davor

Hit:12.780, Str:17.474, Rank:Legendary Force**

No.4 Saša

Hit:12.012, Str:16.145, Rank:Legendary Force***

No.5 J Wayne

Hit:12.002, Str:16.386, Rank:Legendary Force**

No.6 Nikolay

Hit:11.936, Str:16.294, Rank:Legendary Force**

No.7 Pop Milo

Hit:11.920, Str:16.272, Rank:Legendary Force**

No.8 Alek

Hit:11.513, Str:15.954, Rank:Legendary Force*

No.9 Kocka

Hit:11.256, Str:15.343, Rank:Legendary Force**

No.10 Pedjulino

Hit:10.936, Str:15.134, Rank:Legendary Force*

No.11 Chogo

Hit:10.586, Str:14.637, Rank:Legendary Force*

No.12 Sever HN

Hit:10.566, Str:14.609, Rank:Legendary Force*

No.13 Leonidas

Hit:10.312, Str:14.481, Rank:Legendary Force

No.14 Goxi HN

Hit:10.293, Str:14.453, Rank:Legendary Force

No.15 Kurenat

Hit:10.088, Str:14.157, Rank:Legendary Force

No.16 AlVechio

Hit:10.048, Str:14.099, Rank:Legendary Force

Mislim da je ovim reprezentacija Crnogorskih tenkova kompletirana🙂

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