Congressional Update: George Griffin

Day 1,010, 13:35 Published in USA USA by George Griffin

Good Afternoon India,

First off I would like to thank the voters for voting yesterday and late last night. We all know elections can be rough and take time. But as I look around todays congress, I see positive results appearing down the road. We have one month to work together as a community. I woke up this morning with a cup of coffee and the birds singing. Everything is in sync from here on out. This morning I have already looked through some bills being processed though our Government.

As me being elected as your congressmen, I pledge to stay active day by day as long as I am in office. That is my big key. We all know how aggravating it is when a person that upholds an office position goes missing and doesn't do anything with the title. My plan as an congressmen is to limit the un-active members out of offices. This could work, or it may not.

Within my days back in the states, I completed the following:

- Party Greeter
- Party President
- Vice Party President
- Party Recruiter
- Founder Of Democratic Republicans School

Could be alot to an eye or it could be low to an eye. But as I reflect back on my days, I made alot of good friends and made trust within the relationships I held. I did run for congress a few times, but fell short a few times to some pretty good candidates. My favorite election was when I ran for New Hampshire against, Devoid. I felt the need to cancel my run that night. He was a long time congressmen, and I din't wan't to take it from him. That night I felt good about my chances in the future for further running. To this day, I still feel good about it.

Even though I once lived in, USA, this is my new home and I want to get moved right in. I am so very proud to be a congressmen here in India. Within the past few weeks, I have studied the Government and running here in this country. I studied the presidents and former congressmen and women. Today, I am very discouraged to see a president missing. All though he has updated his statuses, he has not spoken out much or giving India chances at making more EXP. Somehow, some way, we will terminate this down fall. We don't have much longer till the next elections so impeachment will fall out of the story.

I want to thank India once again for letting me show what I can do for your country. I hope to hear from some of you on some ideas and issues. Stop in and say hello, I'm always looking to meet new people and disscuss upgrades and issues with our country.

Have a great afternoon and a good night,
