Congress Update - October 19

Day 699, 03:01 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Diet's recent activities.

[Discussion] October EXP Proposals: The people may or may not be aware, but proposing and subsequently voting on a bill grants congressmen experience points. Therefore, any unused proposals are effectively wasted experience. Seeing this, as the end of this session of congress nears, we have a rush for congressmen to use those proposals. This means that the citizenry may see some rather strange proposals popping up rather frequently. Do not be alarmed, they will be voted down. The exception, however, is foreign currency. Several of these last-minute proposals will be used to move currency from the treasury to the National Bank of Japan.

[Discussion] Sell/Downgrade the Government Q5 DS Company: A relic of a bygone era, the Japanese government still owns the “Star Wars Program” Q5 Defense System company. However, this company is in Gyeonggi-do, currently sitting in Theocrat-occupied South Korea. It was therefore proposed that the company be sold or downgraded to recover some gold. The proposal was soundly voted down.

Kyushu Defense System: Representative of Kyushu no1kevlin has achieved his goal of purchasing a Q5 Defense System for the island of Kyushu. Raising his own funds and paying for it himself, the building came to the Japanese government at a cost of one yen. After considerable debate, the Diet voted to provide the one yen.

India Situation: There are some interesting goings-on in the Indian subcontinent, currently being discussed by the Diet.

[Discussion] Citizenship Requirements: Representative no1kevlin has proposed that moving to Kyushu, a strategically important region, home to a Q5 Defense System and Q5 Hospital, be made a requirement for Japanese citizenship. There are strong arguments both for and against.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声

News from the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

The Crest and Seal: The Ministry of Internal Affairs is offering cash prizes for successful graphic designs. The Ministry is looking for a crest and a seal. Head to the office for details.

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department of Languages and Translation: Do you speak a language that is neither Japanese nor English? Tell me at once! The Ministry is gathering Japan's linguistic talents for the government's use. Only native speakers or those who can pass for them need apply. Further, if you need translation work done, please let me know. If the project is worthwhile, I will do what I can.

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department of Petitions: For all citizens who have a concern, complaint, suggestion, or other petition regarding the government, please submit them here.

State-Sponsored Art: The Ministry of Internal Affairs' Department of Culture and Events is still seeking artists to sponsor. If you are a talented Japanese artist, money and fame could be yours!

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Internal Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK