Congress Update - October 10

Day 690, 22:11 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Deit's recent activities.

[Discussion] Imperial Japanese Airforce ORG: Representative of Kyushu no1kevlin has purchased an organization named 'Imperial Japanese Airforce' and has opened discussion regarding what to do with it. The consensus of the Diet seems largely to be that the military does not presently have the resources to manage a third branch.

[Vote] Moving money to NBJ: In the interests of securing the peoples' monetary interests, the Diet voted 27 to 9 to move 30000 JPY from the treasury to the National Bank of Japan.

[Discussion]October Defense Budget: Minister of Defense KITA Ikki has proposed an October budget for the Ministry of Defense. It has passed unanimously.

Tax Changes on Several Goods: Representative Dokomo has proposed and passed several economic reforms to encourage growth in our nation. First among them are these changes in manufacturing goods.

[Discussion] The Sol Situation: Once again, the situation regarding Sol and Japan's place in it has been discussed in the Imperial Diet. Following her election, Most Noble President Oraizan requested that congress reconsider the decision. Another discussion ensued, followed by another vote. Congress has voted 18-4, upholding the previous decision to leave the alliance.

[Discussion] Forum Destruction -- Fae's former life: In response to Representative Hashimoto's concerns regarding our National Forum, concerned citizen Faeyas has raised the topic of how to address some grievances regarding the forum's governance.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声

News from the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Empress Day Events: Our national celebration of Japanese pop culture continues, as the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Department of Culture and Events has produced the most vibrant Empress Day ever! All citizens should participate.

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department of Languages and Translation: Do you speak a language that is neither Japanese nor English? Tell me at once! The Ministry is gathering Japan's linguistic talents for the government's use. Only native speakers or those who can pass for them need apply. Further, if you need translation work done, please let me know. If the project is worthwhile, I will do what I can.

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department of Petitions: For all citizens who have a concern, complaint, suggestion, or other petition regarding the government, please submit them here.

State-Sponsored Art: The Ministry of Internal Affairs' Department of Culture and Events is still seeking artists to sponsor. If you are a talented Japanese artist, money and fame could be yours!

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Internal Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK