Congress Update: December 22

Day 763, 08:37 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Diet's activities as of the end of this session. I must apologize for the lateness of such an update. The war has crowded the media to such a degree of late.

Constitutional Court: The topic of a Japanese judicial system has been raised once again.

Defense Budget: Minister of Defense KITA Ikki reports the military's expenditures.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Changes: Chysamere Goru is presented to the Imperial Diet as our new Minister of Foreign Affairs, who subsequently appoints Altmer Vampire as head of the ambassador program.

Procedural Amendment: The Imperial Diet votes to amend the Constitution of Japan, fixing some language in Chapter 4, Article 6, regarding voting amendment procedures.

Military Revamp Plan: The Imperial Diet votes to implement a considerable reorganization of the military. Read the complete plan above.

South Korean Policy: The President presents his administration's positions on South Korea to the Imperial Diet, spurring a discussion of our future regarding our neighbor across the Sea of Japan.

Resistance Wars and the Number of Regions: Representative of Kanto KITA Ikki discusses the effects of Japan's regions and the options of returning them to Korea with regard to elections and administration.

Bringing People to Japan: Representative Kyuutai raises the issue of how to grow Japan's population.

We look forward to healthy elections.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声