Community Makes the eWorld Turn... Even in V2

Day 956, 16:01 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

Many people are complaining that eRepublik v2 (eRepublik Sinking) is going to be an absolute piece of shit upgrade. I mostly agree. However, this isn't an article about why it's good and bad. It's about what needs to come out of it.

During this election, there has been an awful lot of hate advertisements. There have been accusations (myself among them; sorry Brad 😛) that these were being run by other candidates. These need to disappear. They only serve to alienate us from one another, and mudslinging is for real life. This is a damn game. Please stop.

Entering a Brave New World...


Now, the point is this:

This does not foster friendship. We need to work together; we are all one country, with the exception of the spies;

USWP, TAMA, UIP, Feds, GF Lovers, it doesn't matter. WE MUST WORK TOGETHER. Party lines have been tearing us apart. They have to bring us together. Thus, I want to propose the following here.

Each party sends a representative of theirs to another party, who receives a mask and is allowed to see how that party works. A Party Exchange Program. Not Party Ambassadors. Members of another party who IMMERSE themselves in this new party. Congress has one with Canada; the military has one with Brolliance members. Honestly, are you all going to sit on your asses and consent to separate nations being more cohesive than a nation of itself? I don't want this going on. V2 is horrendous. Retention is going to go down; it already has. We need to start recruiting again; V2 can serve as retention. We need to start working together.

We've recently lost one of our most prominent; "It is a blessing to die for a cause, because you can so easily die for nothing." GF must not die in vain. Stay in eRepublik, help the eUS maintain it’s seat of prominence. And be a better part of the community too.


A final message about the next two days:

Tomorrow is Karnataka Independence Day. I highly suggest you get the hell out of Karnataka. Additionally, it’s Independence Day. Spend some time with your family 🙂

As a final note, presidential elections are coming up. I strongly urge you to vote in the elections. Both Bradley Reala and Killing Time are fine candidates; either one is worth your vote.


Important Newspapers
DoD Orders
President’s Paper
VP’s Paper
Killing Time’s Paper
Bradley Reala’s Paper


Ever Faithful,
