Coming to eNigeria

Day 2,637, 10:24 Published in Nigeria United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


First of all want to thank two people eventhougth it has many more who approved my citizenship application.This 2(at least one of them I"ve remember the name 😉 ),like I said this 2 guys had been seen my application for citizenship of eNigeria and heard my request and wishess to come to eNigeria.I am truelly gratefull to both of them,one is Poncho Warior the dMoIA of eNigeria.

Now let"s begin with intentions,acts and other stuff concerning my coming to eNigeria.The first thing of all are why am I here?.Well I am here to contribute to the Goverment,Congress and to the entire eNigeria in order that this great country(eventhougth it is small),but great with good,God feared people who are strunggling daily with their bonusses,fighting their battles in order to have teritories,resources,bonusses etc.

I can"t complain on eUK while being there.It"s a great country,with lot"s of bonuses,regions etc.I"ve spent there most of the time,met a great people there,having friends or at least the certain number of friends who helped me when I need it,gaining my political experience and making my carreer as a politician in great deal.If I am going to count what I"ve done there,which are my political experience in the eUK,I wouldn"t finished this article 😛.

I am thankfull to the SerFartsalot who helped me when no one wouldn"t help,than there is Huey George the most kind,good,respectfull member of eUK Community whose experience and unselfishness to help young politician like me while being in the Workers Right Party bringing me on the top of the political fame made it out of me multiple congressmember,Prime Minister,than the Country President of eUK,helping me to gain political experience,made it of me young politician and the new political leader of eUK.It"s not just SerF and Huey who helped me,it was many others( I"ll mention just a few: CheetahCurtis,Jny123,Bob Bloggs,Rob the Bruce,Massacar,Niemand,FightAndProduce,WayneKerr,Perry Rodan,Madelina de Melrose etc).Each and everyone of them giving me everything that they have that I need for getting political experience,not a mentioned the strength that I need in order to be strong.

As I"ve above mentioned,moving to eNigeria I want to help the eNigerians in the way like eUKers helped me.By coming here in eNigeria want to contribute as much as I can that this country eNigeria be great,to grow,to be strong as strong as eUK or at least as Germany,and to be respectfull and wealth as any other country at this eWorld.

It will allways be and are the people who will say "what a hell are you doing this" or "are you insane" or "why do you need this",well I can only say I need a change,big change.As everyone knows I"ve decided to quit from playing this game,while being in eUK,and I"ve done that,made it a certain break from playing,but than again continue to play it,as I feel that I can do more,gain more experience,learn more from others.

As all of the eNigerian readers of this article noticed,I"ve joined to the most strongest,the most active and one of the Govermental Parties in eNigeria,and that is eNigerian Democratic Party leading by the current President of eNigeria-
Kalif-Batan.I don"t know much about of the current President of eNigeria,but at the first look he is strong,experience and good player of eNigeria as well as President of eNigeria.

I am not going to write much about current President of eNigeria and the Goverment as I don"t want to disturbe their work on more important issues that all of them have.

That"s all for today falks.We shall see each other in further articles.
Stay tuned 😉

Your editor and Director of "THE NIGERIAN GUARDIAN"
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic