Combat Orders - Good or bad?

Day 2,084, 08:07 Published in Norway Norway by Indigodavo95

On day 2075 we had an update called "Combat Orders". Basically how this works is that people can donate money to their military units, this money will be able to be spent on a battle of the commanders choice.

The commander has 5 options

Certain military units only or everyone: One of the options is that the commander can chose certain military units to be able to use the Combat Order. This means that only the listed military units will be able to participate. The commander can also chose to let anyone participate if they need a lot of damage. This option can also be used to specify certain citizenship's.

Which campaign and specific divisions: The commander gets to choose which side in any campaign that they want to put the Combat Order at. They can also chose which divisions are able to use this if certain divisions got bigger need for it.

The cost, how much do they want to pay for 1 million damage: The second option is the price. This will be put in as cost per million damage, though you do not need to hit a full million to get the money, you will get it in smaller chunks.

Let's say that the price is 100 cc per million damage and you do 50000 damage with 1 hit, that means that every hit would give you 5 cc.

Chose when people can participate: The commander can chose at what % of domination you can participate and actually get money from the combat order. This mean that if they put it to 52% and the wall is currently at 53% you will get no money from hitting.

Last one is budget: Every Combat Order you set up a budget, a limit for how much you are ready to distribute. This means that once you run over this limit the Combat Order is removed.

If you set the limit to 10000 cc and price per million damage to 100 cc you are able to buy 100 million damage before it ends.

Effects of this system - Is it good or bad?

Merc military units will be severely crippled by this, their main income was to sell damage to be able to keep up their communes to make the soldiers tanks. As the middle man is now removed and there is no need to rent mercs in the old sense they will have to find a new way of supporting their soldiers.

One way would be to let their players merc freely to make their own money and then sell them tanks for factory prices. This would mean that it would be harder to control where the damage goes, but also that weaker players will be left behind. Being a weaker player they will use tanks for a higher value than they gain unless the price of the Combat Order is really high. Earlier this was sorted because the military unit got the money and not the players, meaning that the military unit could supply tanks based on how many hits, rather than how much damage was done.

Let us do some math

I am counting with a price of 9.3 cc each Q7 tank and a Q5 food price of 0.19 each food.

Let us say that a person got 25000 damage, this mean that he would need to use 40 hits to reach 1 million damage. 40 hits is 4 Q7 tanks and 40 Q5 food which today would equal roughly 44.8 cc.

If the person does double the damage, 50000 he would half the cost needed to make 1 million damage, resulting in a price of 22.4 cc.

Not many players hit this hard, most having a hit below 20k and most likely around 12.5k damage which would leave them with a 89.6 cc cost.

What are the results of this?

As you see, this clearly benefits the stronger players, leaving weaker players making a lot less money than they would have earlier. Some might not even be able to maintain to hit all their food fights everyday if they are in a merc military unit, due to the fact that communes will be nearly impossible to run unless someone comes up with a solution to this issue. The gaps will increase even more, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

This update might have looked good on a first glance, hell I thought so. But it really breaks down merc military units too much, meaning that either you have to gold to keep up communes, sell tanks to the players in the military unit, which will mean that weaker players get left behind a bit, or you go to fight for the government. It is really sad that it comes down to these options, but as far as I see, there are no other solutions. Another option is to go into heavy WRM production with rubber plantations, which will cost a lot of man power.

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This article is originally written by HeapSeppo
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