Check it out, chicks love Model Congressman

Day 1,017, 14:18 Published in USA USA by Candor

Model Congressman, typical day at the office

Each month, the Model Congress invites players to join during a week of Open Enrollment.

The Model Congress is a friendly and inviting place for people of all experience levels, but it's especially welcoming for players with little or no previous eforum experience.

In the highly moderated Model Congress, we discuss and debate topics related to eRepublic in the format of the real eUnited States Congress, in order to prepare future Congressmen for debates, discussion, and the procedure of formatting legislation.

We are the fun Congress, the practice Congress and anyone may join.

Would you like to be in Congress one day? Have you considered becoming more involved in the game via the forums but have thought there's no place for a new fellow like yourself?


Brave Model Congressman

In September, 22 eAmerican's participated in the Model Congress.

Last night, four of them were elected to the real Congress. We congradulate Richard Nixon II, Little Benny, Ido2407, and Lord Krauser.

Five other members participated as blockers, and two more as candidates. 66% of the Model Congressman running for office yesterday won seats! And half our membership participated in yesterdays election. Pretty cool facts.

Honest Model Congressman


Enlisting Model Congressman

Join us this month! We'll be glad to have you. Click here to be taken to the Sign-Up thread.

Vacationing Model Congress...people