British Army Update

Day 1,870, 02:31 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Grogu.

Hello all British Army Fighters

Just quick update wishing you all a Happy New Year , may all your dreams and wishes come true !


We will still be sending out supplies via the media (still waiting for this factory upgrade offer to come ) , You can get 5 q7 here by commenting
British Army Be The Best

Captains roles

I mailed all the captains the other day , captains from now should be mailing each fighters in there own regiment with either our call to arms or the Mod call to arms , to keep you all informed I don't want no one missing out , if you can't do this as a captain please let me know asap and I will find someone else to take on the role

Become a Captain today

Do you want to become a captain , to offer more roles in the unit Boatsandhoes and King Hannibal will be stepping down as captains Boats will stay 2nd in command and King is very busy as PP, so that is 2 places we can fill , also we have a new regiment number 8 , so that is 3 spots elections will be in a couple of days so it is best to sort this out now.

So if you are a captain you can set the Daily Order and you will have to mail the members in your regiment if you want to do this send me a mail and why you want to be a captain .

We have slimmed down the unit from 212 to 181 right now and hope to have around 22-25 in each unit makes it more manageable.

If anyone wants to hand out the food each day please let me know this take about 10 mins at night and is a easy job but I will give you a couple of q7 each day to do this , many hands make light work !

So comment below for q7 and they will be sent thoughout the day


Don Dapper

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