British Army ORG

Day 1,972, 15:33 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Grogu.

Hello all British Army members ! hope you are well !

We won back a region today Well done all in the early stages the British Army was getting loads of BH awards ! Congrats to all and keep up the hard work , I'm sure we will take our land back this week !

I know it been hard losing our land , but chins up the tide will turn soon !

We now have a Org thanks to Butjam and everyone who helped sorting this out.

What does this mean ? Well it means we can sell more than 10 gold a day on the money market , thus making us money and we can put the profits in buying more tanks for us all food running cost etc.

The more you put on the more you will make back it is that simple , I will produce accounts once the gold sells every tens days.

How do you donate ? well its simple go to the market the weapon raw material market , go to the last page and there will be UK Army selling WRM at 500.00 for 1 now 100 ! we raised 24000 out the 50000 so buy how much you want to donate , after a few days we will put the money on the gold market and hope it all sells , we will keep on doing that and hopefully every 10 days we will make some good profit for us all .

Here is how to do it, and so far we have 24000 donated by

The Stupuid Genius 12500
Howdyho 7000
Sir Winston 2000
Hollenboer 500
ke542 500
JonnyRecco 500

thanks all so far !

Whoever brought that other stock for 500 please let us know so we can get your name down :0 THANK YOU ALL !

you can find the stock here

Again many it helps it all helps we are gaining numbers each day we had over 119 fighters hitting the other day .

We have hit 818 million this week 3535 million over the month

Good going !

Be The Best

Commander Dapper

Hail eUK

Hail British Army

Hail New Era