Boru's Kalashnikov: Presidential Candidates revealed!

Day 807, 12:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

The bulls are on parade again, I see.

Four time Minister for Finance.

In terms of economics and money, Dubhthaigh would be the strongest candidate.
Given the chaos that came after the hacking of Banc Ceannais (which itself was preceded by my own revolutionary activity), Dubhthaigh proved a strong stabilising hand when Ireland needed one.
He has shown himself willing to act as necessary, not being tied down by the tabloid commentators.

On the negative side, Dubhthaigh is less conciliatory than Madame Savage.
Dubhthaigh will probably take a direct role in many areas if elected, which can be perceived as a negative. There have also been accusations of inactivity floating around, though I see Dubh on IRC pretty often, so where they're coming from, I don't know.

Edana Savage:
Incumbent Taoiseach na hÉireann.

Edana, the arch anti-partisan candidate.
A very friendly person, and obliges herself to consult as many people as possible before acting.
Very good record at the Department of Education and Department of New Citizens as well.

In light of her decent history, her administration has been very disappointing indeed.
The Ireland that Appleman left and the Ireland that we see today are practically the same.
No advances have been made in January, the Master Plan continues to go unimplemented, the economy is still where it was last month, and money seems to be squandered by the Dail with no intervention on the part of the administration to stop them. The whole month seems to have been dedicated to reacting to problems created by the administration rather than advancing the country.
Most of these problems can be attributed to the poor state of the Cabinet in general, not to Edana alone.

The month that has just gone by was a disaster. It is sad to watch from Russia.
Both candidates will need to step up to the plate big time. Whoever wins, the Cabinet will need a serious reshuffle, and direct goals set for each area of government. The current lack of forward movement needs to be addressed seriously.

The addition of Patton to the election paper would have been ... amusing, but alas it was not to be.
Interestingly, Nith's support for Edana quickly evaporated when he announced his return.

From Russia with love,
Brian Boru.