Blowing into the wind.

Day 1,774, 20:02 Published in USA USA by Candor
Saterday, September 30, 2012: Day 1775 Special Edition

Hail the birth of CTRL: POTUS Announcement

Pfeiffer announced that he wants to be POTUS, and announced that fingerguns would be his VP choice. This theoretically unites the Feds and USWP behind his ticket.

John Largo is the probable AMP candidate.

The decission was made by the four PP's to hold primaries within their own forums. This sucks for the hundreds of loyal players who don't use the forums, or are in sixth parties. And I have no idea how the WTP will conduct theirs.

This is not the best we could have done. I showed you all one example of another way right here. Count me among those dissappointed.

I'm in Congress. I can tell you that we weren't asked which system to use, though I recently opened a discussion (see link above). I see a ton of disenfranchised voters in our near future.

HOWEVER: In the end, I will back the Unity Candidate, whomever that ends up being, as I expect all loyalists will do.

NOTE: You may have to clear your browser (Ctrl F5), and this updates totals every 5 minutes, so wait a minute to see your vote change the totals.

Try the above POTUS Vote (beta). It will only let you vote once, and it will only let you vote if you hold eUS Citizenship

The voting process takes 45 seconds, it's a three part process.

It is absolutely secure, and no one can see how you vote. Not even me.

This is being given as ONE way to hold a Unity Election Primary.

The code to post this vote in your own media is below. No matter how many places we post this (or YOU post this), the totals tally TOGETHER in the results! Ain't that cool? We can have an infinate number of polling locations, but the totals stay as one.

The code: (cut and paste into your own media)
[img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

As you all know, we have been at war with FYROM for the last few days. We have managed to push them off our shores with some well timed RW's, and are now looking to take back Aquitaine.

Because of Game mechanics, we cannot attack Aquitaine until the French RW ends. This will hopefully be around 14:00 today. After that, President Israel Stevens has promised that we will be taking the fight to FYROM, so strap in for a series of big battles over the next few days!

"glorious eRepublik - Candor and generosity" ~Captain Kushskins
"Decent elitist paper, it's mostly propaganda but it does have some useful info in it." ~Norbengo
"...finally something worth reading again" ~Npaidi
" your paper!" ~fingerguns
" the article! ~BeachBunny
"Great news as always." ~Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard
"Best pretend paper in all of the pretend world! And Candor is a handsome man." ~Totally Fictional Person
"I love Candor and his asses" ~Bigcdizzle
"Top notch paper" ~Shiloh13
"Thumbs up!" ~Katawata
"It is literally irrational!" ~Ronald Gipper Reagan
"Jesus, this paper is awesome." ~President Israel Stevens
"...the monopoly continues!" ~Slyk Willy
"oh Candor,why u so awesome?" ~Punisher1389
"Best paper is Best!" ~Malpazar
"Very talented journalist!" ~ Vasspana
"Wow, something for everyone!" ~Ghost of Tom Joad
"Where the hell has this Candor been for so long?" ~ Jon Malcom

Leave 'em with ass, someone may have said once. Or not. No wait I just did.
Volume 3: The End.

Are you a Loyalist?

Dutifully Submitted,

Thanks to staff, without your contributions it wouldn't be the paper it is!