Australia tie the knot...

Day 458, 17:18 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

So I was referred to EAustralia by Australian Warlord again.
He told me that socialism and communism are slowing creeping in, they always move so slow don't they?
Frankly when I joined this game I never thought it would be to much like real life, I never thought that the same morons who push socialism and communism in real life would push it in a game. But I was wrong
They want Universal Wellness Care: Universal Health Care
Why would I want to go to work if the government feeds me and takes care of me?
Of course the whole market suffers, but hey, at least there making progess.
Frankly I never think it' going to this far, but as usual mankind tricks me again.
Citizens of Australia please hold on to your freedoms, your money, and yourselves.
You may have not hit the end of your rope, but if you continue to do so you will.
Tie a knot...
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." Thomas Jefferson
Ok question time:
1. Do you support universal wellness care?
2. Am I right at all? Is Australia really like this?
3. Will America ever become socialist or communist?
4. Do you support socialism?
5. Are you subscribing and voting yet?