Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,068

Day 1,068, 09:23 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eRussia launches resistance wars in five occupied regions
- ePortugal wiped from the map by eSpain and the eUSA
- eTurkey fighting back strong: captures five eGreek Occupied regions in 48 hours
- eRomanian and eHungary continue their border war

Quote of the day:
“Move to Eire for better beer and women”
- Chris Cuthbertson (responding to an article promoting a British Baby-boom)

Note to eCanadian readers: The Country President is asking citizens to NOT DONATE GOLD to the org. VICTORY BONDS CANADA, as it is not controlled by the Government of eCanada. Victory Bonds will be available starting tomorrow from the Government owned NBC Vault (see CP Alias Vision's article)

Note to readers: I apologise for not publishing for the last two days, unfortunately an in-game bug prevented me from publishing. The admin fixed the problem this morning and as such I am up and running again.

eRussian Resistance

In the last 24 hours eRussia, hoping to mimic the success of their Phoenix allies eSlovenia and eTurkey, launched resistance wars in all four of their eRomanian occupied regions and, hours later, in ePoland occupied Western Siberia.

As the results currently stand, eRomania has held off the eRussian resistance in two of their four regions, securing Urals and Central Black Earth easily this morning. It appears that the Phoenix backed eRussian troops have been focusing their efforts on the regions of Volga and North Caucasus, where: while eRussia has won victories in three of the mini-battles in each region, eRomania has a commanding lead and should be able to clench victory (at the time of publication eRomania had won seven of the eight mini-battles required in each region).

To the East, the eRussian resistance in Western Siberia was started early this morning (eRep time) and should last through the majority of the day.


Today, ePortugal's citizens woke up to find that their eNation had lost all of its regions to the eUSA and eSpain.

Yesterday, in the span of 20 minutes (11:20 and 11:40 eRep time), eSpain attacked the remaining three continental ePortuguese regions: Algarve, Norte and Centro. Within the same time frame the eUSA attacked ePortugal's only remaining region, the Azores Islands. Throughout the night ePortugal lost mini-battle after mini-battle to the two eRepublik super-poowers until they were region-less.

ePortugal has become the fourth Phoenix member-nation in the last week to loose all of its regions. However unlike its three other allies, ePortugal has little time to regain a single region before the Congress elections on the 25th or face the risk of not forming a government and being open to a PTO in November.

With this realisation, ePortugal launched a resistance war today hoping to win back the eSpain occupied region of Madeira. While the resistance war approach will aid ePortugal, as eSpain will not be able to use its MPPs, eSpain is the fifth largest eNation in the eWorld and should easily be able to contain the ePortuguese uprising until the 25th.


Over the last 48 hours eTurkey has seen great success against its neighboring EDEN giant eGreece, securing all but one of the eNation's remaining native regions: Eastern Anatolia.

With EDEN focusing its attention on suppressing the eRussian resistance, coupled with a variety of in-game bugs and hacks, eGreece has certainly lost the upper hand in the fight to maintain their occupation of eTurkey. In the last three day's eTurkey has rallied back against eGreece securing six of its seven native regions.

Today eTurkey is fighting to regain its seventh and final native region: Eastern Anatolia. With eGreece focusing its attention on the battles in eRussia, eTurkey will likely find success in securing the region.

eRomania and eHungary

Continuing their back and forth attacks, eHungary attacked two eRomanian regions, Banat and Crisana yesterday. The attacks are most likely being used by Phoenix to distract eRomania from the resistance wars underway in eRussia. While eRomania lost a number of the mini-battles in the fights, they were able to secure both regions, while holding down the eRussian resistance in their Eastern territories.

Today, eHungay adopted a new strategy in it ongoing war with eRomania, launching a resistance war in the eRomanian occupied region of Northern Great Plain. While the resistance war approach means that eHungary will not receive aid from its MPPs, the same is true for eRomania. At the time of publication, the strategy seemed to be working with eHungary securing the first three mini-battles in the region, however things may change once the resistance wars in the eNation's Russian regions are complete.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.