Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,065

Day 1,065, 14:04 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eRomania faces off in eight battles today
- eFrance citizen launches two resistance wars today, targeting Eastern Siberia and Tibet
- eSlovenia edges out eCroatia and reestablishes a presence on the eWorld map

Quote of the day:
“[Nah] We had anarchy last month” - Kronos Q

A note to my readers: Today’s article marks the 50th publication of the Around the World in 60 Seconds series of my newspaper. I wanted to thank everyone who has supported my paper with subs and votes.


Over the last 24 hours, Phoenix members eHungary and eSerbia attacked eRomania, hoping to keep the EDEN military power distracted whist their currently region-less ally eRussia launched a barrage of resistance wars in three of their four eRomanian occupied regions. However any distraction they intended does not seem to be working.

eSerbia attacked the eRomanian region of Oltenia. However, with the conflicts the eNation is involved in with the eUSA in Southeast Asia, they have not committed significant troops to the battle with eRomania and as such has yet to secure a single mini-battle of the four fought thus far in Oltenia.

eHungary attacked the eRomanian region of Transilvania along with launching a resistance war in the eRomanian occupied region of Northern Great Plain today, however with the other battles the eNation has engaged in; with eCroatia and aiding the eRussian resistance, they have found themselves in the same situation as eSerbia, loosing all of the mini-battles fought for the region thus far.

In an effort to keep other Phoenix member-nations busy eRomania attacked two eBulgaria regions (Ruse and Varna). While eBulgaria is currently winning both of the battles underway between the two eNations, eRomania has not set the regions as a priority.

eRomania is holding strong in all three of the eRussian resistance wars underway in its occupied regions of North Caucasus, Central Black Earth and Volga. At the time of publication the the eNation was holding a considerable lead in the race to eight mini-battle victories.

In total, eRomania is fighting in eight battles against some of Phoenix's strongest member-nations and at the time of publication was only trending towards loosing the tow battles with eBulgaria.

eChina, eUSA and Cardinal Richelieu

Today, eChina continues to show its military prowess, currently suppressing the fifth attempt by the region-less eRussia to reclaim their former region of Eastern Siberia.

The resistance war, with was launched by eFrance citizen Cardinal Richelieu, who only actually stayed long enough in the region to start the resistance, before moving to eUSA occupied Tibet and start an eChinese resistance war in that region.

While starting two resistance wars in one day is an interesting feat, it is hardly the most interesting thing about this citizen. A quick look at his profile shows that the eFrench citizen was born on Day 0 of the New World, yet has only attained an experience level of 20.


After being wiped off of the map last week, today eSlovenia found success in a resistance war with eCroatia, securing their former region of Lower Carniola today.

eSlovenia has made two separate attempts in the last 48 hours to regain one of their former regions and today narrowly beat out eCroatia in the final battle of the resistance war to do it:

The success of the eNation in regaining a region before the upcoming congress elections means that they will be able to proceed with the elections without loosing an organised government and opening themselves up to a PTO next month. The onus will now be on eSlovenia’s enemies to once again remove them from the map.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.