Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,064

Day 1,064, 15:45 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eRussia and eTurkey loose all of their regions yesterday: eTurkey regains one today
- eBolivia regains their region of Santa Cruz from eBrazil with the help of eIreland
- Phoenix backed resistance war threatens peace in the indian subcontinent
- eSerbia pushes back against the eUSA entry into Southeast Asia

Quote of the day:
“So Phoenix is finally kicking the bucket. It's a pity a country like Russia is going down with it, but I guess every nation in this world goes through a full-on invasion at one point or another.” - David Marmore

eTurkey and eRussia

Yesterday, eTurkey and eRussia joined their Phoenix ally; being removed from the map after losing all of their regions.

After a major offensive in Western Siberia, ePoland fired the final shot against eRussia capturing the former super-powers last region. As the eWorld map currently shows, the formerly eRussian native regions are occupied by four other eNations, with the eUSA occupying Far Eastern Russia, eChina holding Eastern Siberia, eRomania occupying four South Western regions (Urals, Volga, Central Black Earth, and North Caucasus), and ePoland holding the remaining six regions.

Collectively these regions provided eRussia with the strategic advantage of a high-level region for all five resources, an advantage unique to the eNation and also aiding in setting eRussia as the prime target of the EDEN attack forces against their weakened alliance rival: Phoenix.

While eRussia is trying to regain lost ground via resistance wars, their attempt to reclaim North Caucasus from eRomania narrowly failed today.

While yesterday, eTurkey met the same fate as their ally eRussia, loosing all of their regions to eGreece, today they found success in a resistance war for the Aegean Coast of Turkey region, putting the eNation back on the map. While eGreece had yet to attack the newly recaptured region by the time of publishing, the eNation is expected to attack the region and plans to hold onto all of eTurkey’s regions until the upcoming Congress Elections, preventing the eNation from forming a government and opening them up to a PTO.


Amidst the battles raging in Eurasia, eBolivia along with help from their long time allies eIreland pulled off a major feat yesterday, capturing their former region of Santa Cruz from South American heavyweight eBrazil.

The region which had been under the control of a foreign nation for months (ePeru and eBrazil) was reunited with eBolivia’s three other regions. The victory leaves only one remaining native region left for the eNation to reclaim, the eArgentinean occupied region of Bolivian Altiplano.

eBolivia has come a long way in the last three months, bouncing back from their complete capture at the hands of eBrazil and eArgentina in July.

Indian Subcontinent

An eIndian resistance war launched in ePakistan occupied Chhattisgarh sought to threaten the fragile peace the eUSA negotiated in the region over the last 48 hours.

The attack which was launched by eUkrainian citizen Dominator2, a known Phoenix supporter. The attack has not received the support of the eIndian nor eUSA governments and should be easily suppressed by ePakistan.

Should eIndia have supported the attack, they would have violated their ceasefireagreement in the region and opened themselves up to direct attack from both ePakistan and the eUSA.

eUSA and eSerbia

After capturing the eIndonesian region of Souther Thailand, the eUSA launched an attack on the eSerbian held region of Eastern Thailand yesterday. The attack according to the eUSA Country President is the beginning of the eNations military operation to remove eSerbia from their last remaining Asian Colonies, as well as attack eIndonesia on their home soil.

However, eSerbia who has been out of the military spotlight as of late, is showing the eUSA that they will not be an easily subdued target. As Phoenix's largest and most powerful member (along with being the eWorld’s second largest eNation), eSerbia applied some military tactics attacking the eUSA’s beachhead in the region (Southern Thailand) head-on. While it appears that eSerbia may loose the region of Eastern Thailand, at the time of publication, the eNation had a commanding lead in the battle for Southern Thailand, all the while holding off an eUSA sponsored resistance war in eSerbian occupied Peninsular Malaysia.

While the eUSA will certainly be back for a second round of attacks, eSerbia has shown that they will not be an easy target to capture. Should eSerbia secure the region of Southern Thailand, they will gain a border with several regions on the Indian subcontinent posing a significant threat to the delicate peace in the region.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.