Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,062

Day 1,062, 09:47 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- EDEN tests Phoenix: Phoenix under fire around the globe Alliance
- eRussia down to one region: launches a barrage of resistance wars in last ditched attempts for sovereignty
- eSlovenia lost all of its original regions to eCroatia: moving from its Danish colonies
- eAustralia feeling eIndonesia's scorn, loosing control of Southern Australia yesterday

Quote of the day:
“the good ole days when most of the villains were comical in nature rather than *&%holes.” - Etemenanki

EDEN continues push against Phoenix

Over the last week, over 28 battles have been fought between EDEN and Phoenix member-nations. In 23 of those 28 battles (or 82😵 EDEN member-nations were successful in defeating their Phoenix foes.

The vast majority of these battles were fought in wars between eight eNations: ePoland and eRomania vs eRussia, eRomania vs eHungary, eCroatia vs. eSlovenia , and eGeece vs. eTurkey.

In the case of eGreece and eTurkey: eTurkey has managed to hold off an attack in one of its regions (Eastern Anatolia), while Greece has been successful in every other battle (capturing all but two of eTurkeys original regions).

ePoland and eRomania vs eRussia: eRussia has also only been successful in one battle, capturing its former region of Western Siberia from ePoland last week. Meanwhile eRomania didn’t loose a single battle last week against the former Phoenix Superpower.

eCroatia vs. eSlovenia; eCroatia removed the last eSlovenian region from the Balkans last week, all the while antagonizing eHungary in multiple attacks meant to draw their troops from the battles waged in eRussia.

eRomania vs. eHungary: After removing all of eHungary’s western regions two weeks ago, eRomania has been in constant war with its eastern neighbor. While eHungary has fared far better than all of the other Phoenix members under attack, gaining back all of the original regions this week vs. eRomania and pushing on: attacking two and capturing one eRomanian region. It is important to note however that eRomania is hardly devoting their full efforts to the conflict with eHungary, as they have prioritized their war in the east with eRussia.

The ongoing conflicts between the largest Phoenix member-nations has caused many of the alliances members to begin to question their affiliation to the alliance. While no official announcements have been made (other than the eUkraine last week: leaving Phoenix) news stories in eLithuania, eIran, eUK, eFrance and eIndonesia have called into question the future of the alliance and their eNations membership in it.

Juxtaposed to both eItaly and eIreland announcing their joining of the EDEN alliance, things are looking more and more bleak for Phoenix.


Yesterday, eRussia was dealt a major blow to its ailing economy, loosing control of the region of Urals, a high-iron region that formed the backbone of the weakened eRussian economy. The impact of the loss has resulted in hundreds of people out of a job as company owners shutter their companies as they are now located behind enemy lines.

With their loss of Urals, eRussia is left with only their region of Western Siberia, which had been under ePoland’s control since early September, yet the eNation was able to re-take last week.

The region of Western Siberia is bordered by three eNations; eChina, eRomania, and ePoland. These three eNations are the three of the four largest EDEN member-nations and all have been in bitter disputes with eRussia for over a year.

Today represents the first day that eRussia has not been under direct attack, most likely as a result of the three bordering eNations figuring out the best strategy to strike what could be a final blow against eRussia. In anticipation of an attack eRussia has launched a barrage of resistance wars in its former regions, hoping to delay an attack against Western Siberia as long as possible.


Yesterday, eSlovenia lost its last region in the Balkans to eCroatia. The attack has resulted in the eNation completely removed from its original regions and stranded in their occupied region in Northern Germany.

Luckily for the eNation, the southern border to their occupied regions is an eSlovenian ally eGermany. Should eSlovenia decide to move south through eGermany, the task of moving back will not be easy for the eNation as it will require them moving through eItaly’s occupied regions in Austria, who will certainly attempt to prevent them from regaining regions from the eNations ally of eCroatia.


Yesterday eIndonesia attacked the eAustralian region of South Australia. The region represents an additional high-grain supply for the Phoenix alliance, with their losses of the eRussian high-grain regions last week. More important than the regions resources, the region also give eIndonesia a border with all of the eAustralia’s regions, affording eIndonesia easy access for any future attacks on their rival eNation.

eAustralia certainly understands the regions importance and its citizen Allexa has launched a resistance war in the region today with the hope of recapturing it: However with eIndonesia forces scarcely pledged to the battles in Eastern Europe, the odds for success are stacked in eIndonesia’s favour.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.