Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,059

Day 1,059, 13:13 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- Media module changes are “bs”: most world writers
- eRussia continues to hold on, though economy slipping rapidly
- eUSA steps in agin to help eIndia, who presses on against ePakistan
- eTurkey capitalises on eGreek forces battling in Central Russia: attacks another region

Quote of the day:
“A short while ago, we voted for and were accepted with “Allied Forces Membership” in EDEN.” - Michael Hook (expressing his exceitment over eIreland taking out membership in EDEN:

Media Module Restrictions

In their most recent “Insider” article, the Amin announced that they would no longer be allowing articles to be published by citizens in nations other than ones nation of residence. While the Admin have claimed that this will prevent Spamming by citizens in foreign media, yet they have not prevented Orgs from continuing to publish in any nation.

According to most writers around the world (including myself), the move will have two major ramifications on newspapers around the worl😛
Only newspapers in the top 10 eNations will have a serious shot at a Media Mogul.
The sharing of information between eNations, a pillar of eRepublik, will be seriously degraded.

These changes will lead to the prevention of newspapers like this one from continuing to grow its readership base and will essentially kill off any hopes that future writers may have of being able to build a solid readership and attain the coveted Media Mogul Achievement.

Editor’s Note: I have opened a ticket with the admin regarding their change to the media module, as I believe their changes have created a major game flaw. I encourage all of my readers to do the same. Also, please vote up the following article as it is the most voted article in favour to removing the censorship:


While eRussia’s military struggle with EDEN forces led by ePoland and eRomania wages on with eRussia gaining back the region Western Siberia Russia, they also lost another high grain region, Volga Vyatka. 

Today eRussia faces off via resistance wars in the regions of Northern Russia and Far Eastern Russia; along with in direct battles in Volga and Central Black Earth, a loss in any of these regions will have a significant impact on the eRussian economy, especially in the region of Volga, eRussia’s last high-grain region.

While it is still early to determine the full impact of the assault on eRussia, to date it would not be an exaggeration to say that the economy has been shattered. The once, economic powerhouse, has over the last few days tabled votes (that have passed or are expected to pass) to reduce their import taxes to 1% on all but two goods (iron and houses). While today the marketplace has goods for sale from shuttered companies in Western Siberia, the job market is sparse for every industry other than Iron (which eRussia still harvests in high quantity in the region of Urals).

Three weeks ago, eRussia had a population positioning them comfortably in the top ten, today; with citizens trapped behind enemy lines, or fleeing the eNation due to the financial situation; the eNations population stands at 2,313, ranking the eNation 19th overall, sandwiched between eItaly and eFinland.

ePakistan, eIndia and the eUSA

Yesterday, eIndia citizens rejoiced at a victory against the onslaught they have experienced at the hands of ePakistan over the last week, securing in two days the regions of Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh.

Pushing their luck, eIndia attacked the ePakistani occupied region of Jharkhand. Ten minutes following eIndia’s attack on the region, an even more powerful foe interceded once more in the conflict for eIndia; the eUSA attacked eIndia’s recently captured regions of Bihar and Orissa, thus with their capture tomorrow, the regions should remain safe from ePakistani counter-attack.

With the eUSA capturing all of the regions eIndia takes back from ePakistan, it may in-fact be the eUSA who, once agin, saves eIndia from destruction.

eGreece and eTurkey

Yesterday, contrary to expectations, eTurkey held off the eGreek attack on their region of Eastern Anatolia. With eGreek forces promised to the battlefields in central eRussia, eTurkey was able to edge out their much larger neighbour rebuffing the attack.

Today, eTurkey attempted to continue their success by attacking the eGreece occupied region of Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. The region, which eGreece attacked first in the latest rounds of conflict between the two eNations is an important region for two reasons; it is the only high-grain region in existence between eGreece and eTurkey, and borders eCyprus and eIsrael, making it a militarily strategic region for both eNations.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.