Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,056

Day 1,056, 10:57 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- Feature: eRepublic of China (Taiwan)'s future up in the air
- ePoland attacks eRussia's largest remain region of Northern Russia
- eRomania partners with eUkraine to attack eRussia's last remaining high-oil region
- eIndia soon to be wiped off of the map by Phoenix/ePakistan: Foreign policy to blame

Quote of the day:
“My Party is Independent of dogma, spectrums and group thinking. My party is EPIC.” - Etemenanki

New eNations

As eRepublic continues to develop, the Admins have announced that they will be filling in some of the ominous grey space on the eWorld Map with some additional eNations. eNations the Admin have chosen to add in an update this week are Cyprus, Belarus, Republic of China (Taiwan), New Zealand, Montenegro, and the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Throughout the week Getty-Rable Basic Press will be featuring reactions from around the eWorld to the additions of these eNations. For other eNations covered in this series:
eRepublic of Macedonia (FYROM)
eNew Zealand

Showcase: Republic of China (Taiwan)

The eRepublic of China (Taiwan) has been added to the game, drawing relatively little attention in the global media. In fact the only place one can find any discussion on the eNation is in the eUSA, eJapan and eChina. However, while international headlines were consumed last week with the naming of the Republic of Macedonia(FYROM), the naming battle for the Island of Taiwan was and is still very much alive, just isolated within the Taiwanese communities within the eWorld.

The largest threat to the sovereignty of eRepublic of China (Taiwan) will be its giant neighbour about 120 kilometers away: eChina. While eChina has officially taken no position on its new neighbour, the number of eChinese citizen moving to the island nation should certainly mitigate any issues of RL tension between the two nations migrating into the eWorld.

A odd development within the eNation has been the arrival of the religious group know as the Zammuelists. The group has certianly grown within the South Pacific eNations, adding over a hundred citizens to their ranks. While the group believes their holy land is in Kazakhstan, they are beginning to move en-mass to Republic of China (Taiwan). The group currently represents a third of the eNation's population and has created the largest political party in the eNation.

While it is still uncertain what will happen to the eRepublic of China (Taiwan), their future will likely be a rough one full of a lot of civil strife and military action.


Yesterday, ePoland attacked the eRussian region of Northern Russia. The battle has last quite long, with the battle entering its twelfth round at the time of publication. The battle as with all other battles under the new military alliance rules, means that the ePoland's 15 allies and eRussia's 12 allies are also participating in the action.

Should ePoland find success in the battle, they will strike yet an additional morale blow to eRussia, reducing their overall land holding by yet another third, cutting eRussia's access to the Arctic Ocean and connecting ePoland's Eastern regions with eFinland.

Following the attack by ePoland; eRussia's forces were split with a resistance war launched in Far Eastern Russia versus the eUSA.

eRomania and Ukraine

Following the breaking of the long-time eRussian PTO of the eUkraine, the eNation is more than happy to help EDEN forces deliver some payback to eRussia.

Yesterday to this end eRomania began moving across the eUkraine's region of Zaporozhia and today attacking and soon to secure the region of Donbas. Once the region is secured it is expected that eRomania will be attacking the eRussian region of North Caucasus. The region is the only high-oil region eRussia has left and wuld be a welcome addition to eRomania who currently has no oil regions.

ePakistan and eIndia

For month's eIndia had been acting as a neutral player in the eWorld, refusing to take sides in political and military battles between the EDEN and Phoenix raging around them. eIndia has made some significant foreign affairs mistakes in the last several weeks, including signing alliances with anyone they could and playing both side of the “EDEN/Phoenix” lines.

While eIndia's political maneuvering may have seemed like the best strategy at the time, the last few days have proved to their citizens that eIndia's actions were short-sighted. Over the last week, eIndia's “sometime-friend” has aligned with Phoenix heavyweights (eIndonesia, eIran, eBrazil, eHungary and eSerbia) and simply devastated eIndia in a series of attacks this week.

Over the last five days, ePakistan has all but conquered the entirety of eIndia, securing 10 of the eNation's 15 regions. With attacks in three of eIndia remaining five regions wrapping up today, all of which look like easy wins for ePakistan, it can be predicted that eIndia will be completely wiped off of the map within the next 36 hours.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.