Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,055

Day 1,055, 09:57 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- Feature: eMontenegro will play a central role in the Balkan conflict
- eGreece crushing eTurkey, caputring 5 of the eNation's 7 regions
- eHungary fairing poorly against eRomania; looses two high-resource regions
- eCroatia captures eSlovenian regions: pushes north, attacking eHungary's western-most region.
- eFrance attacks eCanada's region of Nova Scotia

My appologies for not publishing for the last two days, my newspaper was acting buggy and refused to let me publish stories, the Admin has since fixed the problem.

Quote of the day:
“I found a French gun in Nova Scotia. It was all alone on the ground, it has never been used. The footsteps suggested that its owner ran to see the beautiful countryside.” - Christian Doe

New eNations

As eRepublic continues to develop, the Admins have announced that they will be filling in some of the ominous grey space on the eWorld Map with some additional eNations. eNations the Admin have chosen to add in an update this week are Cyprus, Belarus, Republic of China (Taiwan), New Zealand, Montenegro, and the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Throughout the week Getty-Rable Basic Press will be featuring reactions from around the eWorld to the additions of these eNations. For other eNations covered in this series:
eRepublic of Macedonia (FYROM)
eNew Zealand

Showcase: eMontenegro

With the addition of eMontenegro, the eWorld map of Europe is nearly complete. With the smallest RL population of any eNation added to eRepublik (about 675,000), their addition is somewhat surprising, however when it comes to their reasoning, the answer is geographical. Located in the Balkans, the eNation will be right in the thick of the raging EDEN/Phoenix conflict in the region.

eMontenegro is bordered to the north by eBosnia and Herzogovina, west by eCroatia, and to the east by eSerbia. In RL eMontenegro has had a sorted past with their neighbors. With the dissolution of Yugoslavia , Montenegro stuck with Serbia until tensions grew between the two nations, resulting in their break up in 2006 (by referendum). Montenegrins today have a closer relationship with Croatia and eBiH then they do with their former economic and political partner Serbia. However, with 30% of their RL population identifying as Serbian, and 63% speaking Serbian as their first language, they will certainly have strong cultural ties to eSerbia.

eGreece and eTurkey

Over the last week, in the lead up to the addition of the new eNations, eGreece began an all out assault on its Aegean neighbour eTurkey. Originally attacking the region of Mediterranean Coast of Turkey, their success there spurred on eGreek attacks of Aegean Coast of Turkey. From their victories against Turkey's Mediterranean regions, eGreece pushed inland conquering an additional three regions.

As it currently stands, eGreece has captured five of eTurkey's seven regions, leaving the eNation with its two eastern regions of Eastern Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia. Eastern Anatolia borders eIran and forms the only Asia-Minor gateway to the Asia.

eRomania and eHungary (and everyone else)

Yesterday eRomania, completed its campaign to capture all of eHungaria's eastern regions, formerly controlled by the eRepublic of Moldova and eUkraine. Most notably, eRomania captured the region of Podolia,eHungary's only source of high-iron. The eUkraine has counter-attacked eRomania to gain back its former region.

In addition to eRomania's success against eHungary eastern regions, eRomania has also opened a western front, attacking eHungary's original region of Southern Great Plain (a high-grain region). Immediately following eRomania's conquest of the region, eHungary's largest ally eSerbia stepped into the conflict directly and attacked the region, easily securing it from eRomania.

eHungary counter-attacked eRomania's region of Crisana yesterday.


eCroatia has seen incredible success in the last three days, securing nearly all of eSlovenia's regions. After securing the Northern Slovenian region of Prekmurje, eCroatia attacked the eHungarian occupied region of Burgenland, opening yet another front against eHungary in their war against EDEN member-nations.

Should eCroatia find success in their battle for Burgenland, then eHungary would not only loose access to the regions medium-stone resource, but the eNation will loose its border with the currently eItalian occupied regions of eAustria.


In an unexpected move, eFrance attacked the eCanadian region of Nova Scotia. The attack, marks the first assault on eCanadian soil in six months. The timing of the assault was most likely to prevent eCanadian participation in the wars waging in eTurkey and eHungary.

The distraction may not have worked as well as eFrance and Pheonix would have thought, as the eCanadian MoD barely advised citizens fight for their region (ranking it a “middle priority battle”), instead directing soldiers to fight in the conflicts in the Balkans.

It is still unclear if the war between the two eNations will result in any battles in the short term future.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.