Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,049

Day 1,049, 13:41 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- Feature: New eNation FYROM/ROM sparks pre-natal tensions
- eChina and EDEN secure the long-occupied region of eSerbia today
- eUSA holds onto Far Eastern Russia vs. an eRussian resistance war
- eFrance captures its last original region from eSpain; ending weeks of occupation

Quote of the day:
“Long live the MasterCard empire : D.” - Chucky Norris
(in response to the eChina victory in Liaoning)

New eNations

As eRepublic continues to develop, the Admins have announced that they will be filling in some of the ominous grey space on the eWorld Map with some additional eNations. eNations the Admin have chosen to add in an update this week are Cyprus, Taiwan, New Zealand, Montenegro, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/Republic of Macedonia. Throughout the week Getty-Rable Basic Press will be featuring reactions from around the eWorld to the additions of these eNations.

Showcase: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

By far the most controversial eNation addition to the game, in terms of articles published around the globe, has been the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/Republic of Macedonia. The controversy surrounding the addition of the eNation is mostly directed towards the name the Admin is applying to the eNation. While the original name the Admin was planning to admit the eNation as was the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), which is the name that the United Nations and other inter-governmental organizations have applied to the Nation.

The naming of the eNation as FYROM sparked hostility from RL ethnic groups in the balkans, including residents of the FYROM/ROM, who took offense to the association with the former RL nation of Yugoslavia. The RL nation that the admin is adding to the eWorld calls itself the Republic of Macedonia. However RL Greeks and Macedonians living in Greece take offense to the name as historically the name is applied to Macedonia, which merged with the Greek empire thousands of years ago and whose original regions fall within RL Greece today. For more information on the naming conflict click here.

The Admin had announced two days ago that they had agreed to change the name of the eNation to Republic of Macedonia (ROM), which then sparked major outcry from eGreek citizens. In fact the announcement has created a fire-storm of criticism from eGreek citizens, including a massive number of citizens that have asked to have their accounts to be deleted as they are quitting the game in protest to the name Republic of Macedonia.

For more information about the concerns coming out of eGreece and her allies click here. For an updated list of names of citizens quitting in protest click here.

While the admin has yet to publicly respond tot he concerns raised by eGreek citizens about the name, insiders have said that the Admin will likely not change their current position and that the name “Republic of Macedonia” will most likely be used. The Admin has expressed their hope that, as in RL, while there are tensions between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece, the neighboring eNations have enjoyed a mutual peace and years of economic cooperation.

eChina and EDEN finally tame the eSerbian Lion King

When a major assault on the long-occupied eSerbian region of Liaoning two weeks ago narrowly failed to capture the originally eChina region many were hesitant to re-attack the region with the current military structure in place. eChina and EDEN however yesterday pressed on re-attacking the region for the first time since the modifications that were made to the military module.

The attack which once again saw major EDEN and Phoenix mobilisation (the stats are not available yet), this time saw different results, eSerbia wasn’t able to mobilise the same level of troops they able to muster in earlier battles. At the end of the battle eChina and EDEN finally managed to capture the region. The victory means that eSerbia and Phoenix have been completely removed from Asia Major. In fact, the closest region held by a Phoenix member-nation are in eSerbian occupied regions of Malaysia.


The eUSA was able to hold off an eRussian resistance in their occupied high-resource region of Far Eastern Russia. The resistance war was launched as a way for eRussia to take advantage of the battle raging in the eSerbian occupied region of Liaoning to retake their former region from the eUSA.

While the battle garnered low interest from both sides with both EDEN and Phoenix resources directed towards Liaoning, the eUSA garnered enough support form their citizens to hold off the resistance war.

eFrance and eSpain

After weeks of both friendly (eUK) and hostile (eSpain) occupation of their regions, eFrance today, recaptured all of their original regions. With their victory in the region Aquitaine against eSpain, the eNation has fulfilled its goal of becoming whole again.

It is still unclear (though unlikely) that either eSpain nor eFrance will continue their hostilities in the short term, instead they will likely focus their military attention on of conflicts raging between EDEN and Phoenix member-nations.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.