Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,031

Day 1,031, 15:04 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eCanada Mayham continued; Governor General chimes in
- eAustralia’s Capital region under eIndonesian attack
- eSerbia holds off resistance wars in their eMalaysian occupied regions
- eMexican resistance war starts in the region of Southeast Mexico

Quote of the day:
“We trusted him just as the Canadian population did and he took advantage of us just as he did everyone else. Why attack the reputation of a single group when the entire country is equally at fault? How could we be directly involved if we were just as unaware as everyone else? If the CEP is at fault for letting Rolo in, then so too is the rest of Canada..” - Kilgore Trout 89


Today, acting on evidence collected (but not yet substantiated by the judiciary), eCanadian Congress impeached its Country President (CP) Rolo Tahmasee. The impeachment comes a day after Tahmasee was accused of violating several laws in his bid to become CP (for more information on the allegations, read yesterday’s article :

In a statement issued today from eCanada Governor-General (a figure head position within the Government), Jacobi called for a succession of office to the current eCanadian Vice-President Ramizeth. Jacobi called the impeachment of Tahmasee “unlawful according to the Constitution of Canada” and called on citizens and elected officials to proceed with caution in changing over the administration. “Instead of running around like headless chickens, let's move forward in a legitimate and constitutional way.”

To read Jacobi’s full release:

For more information on the accusations against impeached CP Tahmasee visit the forum topic in open congress:


Today, eIndonesia continued its attacks on eAustralia targeting the eNations capital region of New South Wales. The battle which started yesterday is the latest in a series of attacks over the last 2 days, where eIndonesia has captured all but two of eAurtralia’s regions. Should the attack on the capital region today prove successful, eAustralia will be left with one remaining region, Tasmania.

The battle for New South Wales will begin wrapping up tomorrow at 8:45 eRep time.

For more information on the ongoing war between these two eNations, read previous newspaper articles.


Yesterday, eSerbia was successful in stoping two eMalaysian resistance wars in its occupied regions of Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. The resistance wars were started by citizens from EDEN member-nations.


Yesterday, a Mexican resistance war started in the eVenezuelan controlled region of Southeast Mexico. The region which had been held by eSpain was lost last week when now impeached eSpanish CP, Ramso, teamed up with eSpain’s enemies and tried to give turnover the eNations regions both domestically and abroad.

eVenezuela was able to capture the region from eSpain when the eNation was distracted with holding off an eUK invasion in its original regions. eVenezuela is a long time friend of eMexico and its Defense Ministry has ordered its citizens to fight for the eMexican resistance.

For more information on the plight eSpain faced from Ramso rea😛

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me ( and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me ( or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.