Armenia's Declaration of Independence Turns 25 Years Old

Day 2,834, 13:54 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

Armenia's citizens have made a historic moment 25 years ago when they choose independence from the Soviet Union as the sole possible status and a very steadfast way of the country's future. Armenia's Declaration of Independence that was adopted by the then Armenian SSR Supreme Coucil on August 23, 1990 wasn't just a ordinary expression of the people's dream to restore Armenia's independence, but is also an attempt to give a legal form to factual reality of the reunion of its 2 parts(Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh).

The Declaration of Independence was based on the decisions of the then Armenia SSR Supreme Council and the Nagorno-Karabakh National Council on "The Reunion of the Armenia SSR and Nagorno-Karabakh" that's dated back to December 1,1989.

Armenia's Declaration of Independence states that "The Supreme Council of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic expressing the united will of the Armenian people, aware of its historic responsibility for the destiny of the Armenian people, engaged in the realization of aspirations of all Armenians and the restoration of historical justice, Proceeding from the principles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the generally recognized norms of international law, exercising the right of nations to free self-determination

The Armenia Examiner celebrates Armenia's 25 years of Independence and hopes that we continue to care about Armenia for the many, many years to come by continue to report stories that's reaching and spreading to more and more people living in Armenia. We always believe in democracy and free-speech in Armenia and we always obey the nation's constitution. We hope that Armenians will continue to be proud of their nation for the next 25 years and so on. From all of us here at the Examiner, we say Happy Independence Day! and Thank You!