Aren Perry, one more time for the AAP!

Day 568, 17:37 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Ladies and Gentlemen of the AAP, I am running one last time for Party President of the AAP. My campaign speech will be short, because I'd like to spend more time doing things for the party than campaigning at the party.

So why another term of Aren Perry, AAP Party President?


Today, I pm'ed approximately 400 people by going through the grand majority of the population of New Jersey in an attempt to recruit new members for the party that I love. I diligently do my best to support the party that I'm the President of. Recruitment is a long job, but I do not shy away from helping and doing my part in it alongside our troops in the trenches that do it with me.


I've done this twice before, and during these past two months we've gained some momentum and some active members that I believe are capable of taking over my position and doing it well.

However, I feel that if I leave now some of the momentum and organization that has been built up will be gone. I feel that one more month will help capitalize and reach the highest capacity on the momentum that I and those who have supported the AAP in leadership have created. To this end, I want to prepare next month for the next person who will be the Party President and to finish the projects that I have started.

I have many more qualifications of experience from being Secretary of Interparty Relatoins, Congressman 4 times, and many other positions that I have held in the past such as being an ambassador and new player mentor.


New Manifesto
Much more active PR
More organized and active recruitment
Active companies instead of one inactive company
Went BACK to the 4th largest party after losing that spot very early on in my first PP month (due to a lack of momentum from recruitment)
Re-organized forum

The biggest last thing I want to add to our party is

-a more organized and well put out congressional election period for the AAP.

I now have people who are active, knowleadgable, and capable of helping me do this and get it done the right way. Changewillcome can't do it all. Trust me, I help him out with it all and it's a lot of work. So we need a congressional team and leaders that will get it done the right way. We need more organized voters and more informed congressman.

Thank you

To all of those, especially this month, that have made being a PP a joy and not just a burden. I'll miss some of you, I know, but here are some that deserve a kudos.

Changewillcome: As always, by my side helping me sort through oodles of information to get things done right.

Seeker1: Co-writer of the new manfiesto and Director of PR for the party. Seeker1 is a great fellow and we are lucky to have him in the AAP, and I am lucky to have been able to work with him.

Carl Bishop: This man is responsible I'd swear for pm'ing half of the eUSA. Not singlehandedly, but certainly for the majority, this person is responsible for helping bring the AAP back to the 4th largest party.

Woxan: Responsible for a party wide census that helped us ascertain how our party is doing and needs within the party.

Tormod: For rejuvinizing our business(es) and making them a source of profit and jobs for our party members, and those that need wellness help within the party.

Mercurious100: For being the absolutely most active irc member and the man I'm going to be counting on for to help us kick some congressional butt next term!

Evan Feinman: A new fellow who has great potential with real life experience to help us better organize our party.

Fabijan: Also has helped recruit a good deal and has been active.

Dustinmp9: Although bogged down with some computer problems, Dustin has put forth a good effort to recruit for the AAP.

James6886: For taking care of all of our welfare needs as best as he can.

great job guys! I'm sure I missed some of you in the list

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President
AAP Party Presidential Candidate

Vote for Aren Perry for Party President of the AAP!