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Day 863, 07:17 Published in Serbia Chile by EduRaptor

¡Hola queridos lectores!
You are reading the the special edition of Imperio Magazine, dedicated to October 2011 congress elections. Article will be bit shorter and in diferent form than the ones you seen before, but from time to time we will publish specials like this. Hope you enjoy it, and make sure to check out the list of our previous articles that we wrote, in the Archive section bellow. Lets begin:

- Number of citizen votes: 427 - Votes in September: 366 -
- As we might see, although Chile had a massive baby boom, bringing more than 2000 new players, the number of votes on congress elections changed just by 61. In bigger countries, with more active citizens, number of votes on elections are used to determine the actual number of people who are actualy playing. These are actualy really bad news, cause it meens that most of citizens in recent baby booms are eather multies or people who quickly decided to leave the game. Giving out food and tanks just isnt enough to give interest to newbies to stay in this game, its just a nice favour once they are active citizens.
The results of the election, by parties:

Partido Nacional Republicano - 17 candidates - 104 votes for candidates - 10 congres seats (25😵 -
eChile Q5 - 16 candidates - 94 votes for candidates - 9 congres seats (22😵
Union Democrata Liberal - 17 candidates - 72 votes for candidates - 9 congres seats (22😵
Union Progresista - 11 candidates - 72 votes for candidates - 7 congres seats (17😵
Movimiento Americano Social - 17 candidates - 84 votes for candidates - 5 congres seats (12😵
Oldest citizen who won a medal on October elections: Purohueso (1,172 days)
Youngest citizen who won a medal on October elections: Alex Vicencio (9 days)
Citizens with most congress medals who won on October elections - dhvalden and mae.stro - 15
Citizens with least congress medals who won on October elections - DrKaban, kurisutian, Xipico, Frankenhoff, The Anonymous Chile, Schortiz, Alonso Velasquez, Alex Vicencio, PuntoH, Coloxo, pipe1233215, Bastian Valle Kendall - 1
Citizens with most experience points who won on October elections - mae.stro - 49,628 xp
Citizens with least experience points who won on October elections - Alex Vicencio - 682 xp
That would be all for todays number, Imperio unit doesnt support putting politics in first plan of this game, but this article is pure informative. Hope you enjoyed it, and you can expect the same old articles like the ones from before, very soon. In the meanwhile, if you still havent read, please check out: [Revista IMPERIO] Introducción and [Revista IMPERIO] Segunda edición. If you got any suggestions you would wish to share with us, just contact any member of IMPERIO by private message, or just share your opinion in comments section. Saludos de:

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