APP Bulletin: May 24

Day 2,012, 13:00 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Hey! The Congressional Elections are taking place in 11 hours, so I wanted to remind you to vote for another party other than the AFA that is in the top 5 parties, like the Feds, AMP, USWP, or WTP. Ok don't forget when there is a resistance war in France, do not fight for the US or at least dont let the US win the campaign because President Artela has announced a couple days ago that we are returning the regions we have taken from France. Also, help support the APP by joining the APPMU, or recruiting new members! Also, the other upcoming political events are the PotUS and PP elections. The PotUS election is in 11 days. The PP election is in 21 days.
The current canidates runnning for PotUS are:
Ronald Gripper Reagan(PTOer)
The Rohirrim
John Galt
None of these candidates have written any CP elecion articles yet.
That is all for now!