Answer to Magic-TUP propaganda

Day 1,831, 13:54 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Public answer to Magic's propaganda ( my answer is underlined) :

Magic Hereos to Alphabethis | 7 minutes ago
Greetings Alphabethis

The Unity Party has always stood for good policies, great governance and sound leadership. We have consistently provided this over the years, and with your help will do so again.
No, it's stood for policies that keep eUK at rank 28, taking no advantage of the potential eUK has ( anglophiles, native UK (huge population,... )
We believe in serving our nation, and you, to the best of our ability and to do so in a way that enhances and increases your enjoyment and inclusion.
You think 'inclusion' is to vote you and watch how cool are you.
You don't pay attention to people, much less newcomers, don't open
government to other parties, you don't offer slots to small parties...

Our policy statement and Candidates can be found here. They are a great bunch some with experience, others starting out in Congress for the first time.
A lot of experience in FAILURE, it's enough of that

I would also like to bring to your attention SageGoku’s policy for ruining the nation via immigration:

New Era Immigration Contract
it's still under discussion,... but what has New Era to do with
TUP ? I'm lost here.

Remember to log in this month on the 25th to cast your vote, if you want sensible, proven policies, sound leadership and great governance you need look no further than The Unity Party. The Party of the Past, Present and Future! Vote TUP to say NO to a Political Take Over!
agreed, vote NO to TUP , which is the real take over, of past, present
and future

We thank you for your support
we support your failure and dismantling ( get a decent stuff of party)