Announcing the Winner of the Empress October '09 Events!

Day 693, 12:44 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

The events of this past week were quite exciting, indeed. We had many talented contestants. There were many valiant entries in each event.

The Ministry of Culture and Events would like to take this opportunity to thank each of the contestants for their hard work and dedication.

Well, enough of the suspense. Let's announce the winner, shall we?

After two days of action-packed events and two days of voting, the official Empress for October, 2009 has been decided.

She showed exceptional intelligence, eloquence with words, talent, inspiration for imitation, and beauty. Her entries far surpassed those of her peers. She is truly an Empress to be proud of, to revere, to admire.

The Ministry of Culture and Events is now proud to present to you...

This brief advertisement for Kukki brand products!

Well, that was a refreshing advertisement, wasn't it? It's rare to see such brilliance and integrity in advertising these days. Please give serious consideration to purchasing Kukki's product (whatever it is...).

Now, without further ado, we present to you...

The winner of the Empress Day October 2009 events...

Your new Empress...

The majestic beauty...

The one with the most votes...

A truly regal woman...

The most deserving dandidate...

The one...

The only...


An interview with the Empress will be posted at a later time, please check back for updates.

Now, if you would like to join in the festivities, please join #TheImperialHall on There will be food, drink, and entertainment. There has been no word yet from her manager on when, but the Empress herself is sure to show up!

Enjoy Empress Day everyone!

~~Ember FireSpiral
Minister of Culture and Events