An Agreement, and a Jedi Council

Day 556, 19:03 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

As announced in my previous article as Interparty Secretary of Relations, (

The Jedi Council will be put underway to help bring compromise and order to interparty relationships by allowing an area where all the parties can come together for table talk and to discuss real issues and points of contention. The main purpose of this new area on will be to keep respectful dialogue in place.

For example, if someone feels that another party or party member has inproperly treated another person, this is the place to come with your case. While the Jedi Council will not listen to simple whining, if there is a point of contention it will be brought to discussion among the Council members and judgment will be pronounced decided on by all party's to help keep personal slander out of our political dialoge.

We need unity and to look out for our nation first, party second. We need to look at a person for more than their party for qualifications.

Further, I hereby ask All Party Presidents to sign this Gentlemans Agreement Also mentioned in the above article. It carries no penalties, it merely is a symbol that we are trying, together, to build relationships between each other that look past prejudices.

Gentleman's Agreement

I, by signing this document, agree that I will aspire to lead my party towards respectful discussion, understanding, and the goal that we all share: to make our nation the greatest it can be. While the individual characteristics of each party **need** to be recognized and valued, personal attacks and character assassination by any person or party, because of their viewpoints, should be avoided and discouraged.

Any person within my party that attacks another player for unnecessary causes, will be addressed by myself as a representative of this Council and (if applicable) President of my Party. The purpose of this council, of my place on it, and the need of civility between members will be communicated to the member along with my personal displeasure with their unneccessary outburst, which if continued, would only lead to a greater divide than that which already separates us as members of this great nation. This is not an agreement to forget the things that make each party unique, but an agreement to help us focus on what we hold that is even bigger in common, our nation.

To agree to this agreement, please respond to this news article by commeting "I, (name) PP of (name of party), agree to this gentlemans agreement" and also add "and will send myself or a representative of my party to be a part of the Jedi Council" if you would also be so inclined.

All Top 10 Party Presidents have been notified of this and thus have no excuse for not knowing of its existence. All those that do, or do not agree to the agreement will be listed later on in further news articles.

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President
Interparty Secretary of Relations