Americans for Aren Perry? No! Figure out what it's about! Advancing America!!

Day 500, 15:33 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Hello fellow Citizens of the USA!

I would like to invite you to join America’s Advancement Party, the AAP! So why would you want to join the AAP?

We are unique in that our political views are not truly left or right but accept different viewpoints, all are welcome.

We stand for the betterment of the country, not just of ourselves or our particular agenda. One of our most important beliefs is the promotion of national unity .

That’s why we welcome people from different parties to run under our banner. In particular, Federalists and Nationalist Party member particularly take advantage of this though all other parties are welcome to do so.

The only thing we do require is that your views are founded on sound reasoning. This truly can only be achieved through iron sharpening iron. A party that simply holds to one general viewpoint will tend to become focused and skewed in its views because there is no opposition to that viewpoint. Thus, a party that welcomes all into its arms and is looking for people with personal beliefs and convictions of varying perspectives has a clear head and is of great value.

Election Procedures

The AAP provides essential help on its forums to people who wish to run for congress by reviewing platforms and providing key analysis of different states for the potential of a successful run for individuals. Our main goal is to provide more leadership opportunities to people through congress and through our party as well.

Unlike in other parties where it is the sole duty of the Party President to make the decision on who the AAP nominates for its Presidential Nominee, we allow a general council of AAP members to vote and decide who we will nominate. That is, instead of your Party President simply making the call he wants to make, we allow all members to have a voice and vote in who we nominate. YOUR voice is heard, and that’s the way it should be.

In fact, as an example, Ian John LockeIV, our current Party President, wanted to nominate Scrabman. However, the majority of votes were for John Jay and thus as a party we decided, even against the wishes of our Party President, to nominate him for this upcoming election. Our system does work because we have great Party President’s that are willing to honor the word and voice of our members!

We do not believe in a one man band, we believe and maintain that a party is (believe it or not) supposed to be a party! A group, a team, that together can stand and help one another towards the common goal of making the USA better despite different views. In fact, it is because we do have different views.

Though congress may limit leadership opportunities to level 12 and above, the AAP leadership doesn’t. We desire all levels of players to try out for leadership in the AAP. If you want to be a willing and active voice, we want to give you a place to use that voice for the good of the USA. We want to provide the tools to YOU to become a voice in our community!


This is my personal testimony, really.

The leadership team of the AAP was why I stayed with this game. Ian John Locke and others like ChangeWillCome provided advice and insight that helped me do well in this game. They helped me survive, understand game mechanics, you name it. Now, as a member of that same leadership, I love doing the same for other people which is why I am a New Player Mentor, passing along the same essential advice I was given to begin with.

It was even through the contest of Uncle Sam that I won enough money to buy my first house, a wonderful Q3 I own to this day, that has helped me out tremendously.

With their help, I have come far and reached high, entering congress for three successful terms so far. And so can you.

The AAP has let me have the wonderful opportunity to have my chance to shoulder the burden for this great party by letting me become the Head of Recruitment. It is a job I love and am honored to have.

Need any other questions answered? Message me, I’d love to answer them.

This is Aren Perry inviting you to join the best thing that has ever happened to me in-game, the Advancement of America Party.

Aren Perry,
Illinois Congressman
Head of AAP Recruitment
SADD Member
New Player Mentor
Ambassador to Turkey

P.S. Vote for PrincessMedyPi/Tiacha! It’s time we gave the womenz a chance!

AAP Manifesto Link: