Alexander the Greek in the Ottoman History Recordings

Day 1,511, 07:43 Published in Cyprus USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA

IIIrd Alexander (Alexander the Great) passes as İskender Yunan-i (Alexander the Greek) in the Ottoman history records. We have been finding Turkish history records about Anatolia and Balkan peninsula after the year of 1071, and in majority of these texts significate that Alexander the Great was a Greek regardless of European (Western) documents.
Many Fyromians say that Europeans polluted(!) Macedonia's past for the advantage of Greece, if so what can you say against Ottoman history documents ? They were neither Christian nor European but Muslim/Shamanist unity of Nomad tribes who came from the steps of Middle Asia after the Fall of 1st Hunnia Empire. They brought Asian and Mesopothamia informations about the statement of Macedonia and Alexander the Great and almost full of these scripts say that Alexander The Great was a Greek and Macedonia was Greece.
So, according to Turkish history records we can simply say that Alexander the 'Greek' was a Greek and Macedonia was Greece like today still is.


BTW, The Oxford University Professor Robin Lane's statement about Macedonia and Alexander the Great:

''Macedon is a Greek speaking kingdom in the northern Greece, populated by people using Greek names, Greek months and worshippin' in Greek gods, Those who live in Skopje say that Skopje is Macedonia and Alexander's homeland, they are just Ignorant and Outragers''

''It's like someone says; 'That Oxford University was really in Belarus and Oxford was Minsk''

Prof. Robin Lane

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