Air Rank Program eAustralia 17th week | Assessment and changes in the rules

Day 4,081, 11:38 Published in Australia Ireland by Irish Development Fund

Dear citizens of eAustralia,

The seventeenth week of the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program of Australia ended. Congratulations to everyone! Welcome the new participants, AG.Trimafadzi and AG.Warok.Lawu!

We are through a long journey with the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program, and it's time to see the results and see how to move forward! 27 weeks ago the program has been introduced in Ireland (and later in Australia, Philippines and Mexico) with two closely related aims:

1. To keep small player's communities active and engaged in the game,
2. To utilize small player's food fight in air battles and improve the airforce of the participating countries.

From the available data (the number of air kills made by the participants of the program and the number of active participants) we can see that while we could realize some of these aims, there is still room for improvement.

Activity shown by the air kills made each week during the last 15 weeks

Activity shown by the number of active participants each week during the last 15 weeks

The graphs show the last 15 weeks of the program. We can see the increased activity on the erep birthday event, after which activity declined especially in the friendly countries. The reasons can be the still missing additional contents from the air program and the lack of personal contact, which led to players losing interest in the game despite the rewards.

In eIreland the activity continued to increase. The main source of the increased activity is immigration of active players to eIreland. 65% of the currently active participants came to eIreland since the introduction of the program, and 80% of the air kills are coming from them. Only 35% of the participants are original or newly registrated eIrish players and they make 20% of the air kills. There was some immigration to eAustralia too, but not to ePhilippines and eMexico.

The fields to improve

1. To involve players more and retain their activity I will focus more on the additional contents that can create interactions in the community. Some of these have been successful in eIreland, but were poorly introduced and promoted in the friendly countries, like

• The promotion of air battles for players to fight in,
• The aviator exchange program,
• Additional media contents like informations, news and interviews.

This is a matter of time so I can't promise anything but I will try my best.

2. To make the program sustainable financially I introduce a 20 000 CC upper limit for the weekly reward for air kills.

The rules of the Aircraft Rank Improvement Program in eAustralia from 22.01.2019.

The participants of the program receive a reward of 5 IEP/1 aircraft kill for their activity in air battles. The maximum amount of the weekly reward is 20 000 CC. The rewards are counted based on the number of aircraft kills in the weekly leaderboards, and are paid every week after week change.

The conditions of the participation:

• eAustralian citizenship,
• Membership in an eAustralian MU,
• The ground rank has to be under Legend,

• Application, that can be either in PM or in comment under the latest air program article.

The participation ends if the citizen eDies or gets permanent ban.

Thank you very much for the activity of the aviators, and for the support and the cooperation of the eAustralian government! I hope we can continue the good work together for a long time! 🙂

Results of the last week:

Muhammed Osmanoglu 
Air kill
23340 AUD
17260 AUD
13175 AUD
7515 AUD
3865 AUD
3325 AUD
1235 AUD
1180 AUD
835 AUD
800 AUD
240 AUD

Thank you for reading
