About MPP: It's a waste or not.

Day 1,107, 09:17 Published in North Korea North Korea by MeiFawAn

I know there are no war these days for North Korea, but I have to say that whether it is a waste to sign a mpp with Croatia depends on the headless chicken.

You have seen the Changes in Economy System in this eWorld yesterday, and I am sure that New Changes in The Other System will come soon.I can not tell you in detail because I don't want to get banned by admin.

(The Other System: Sorry that I cannot tell anything about it but you know there are not many systems in this game.And maybe you have known it in detail)

However I am sure that Croatia will face flooding wars someday, and we will get benefit from that.

Which day?I don't know.But you should notice that on Day 1105 actives wars between eNorth Korea and ePoland/eUSA are closed by admin, not me.What will be going on?I cannot say more about what has not happened but will happen.

Finally let's get the point.
It cost 200g for the mpp with Romania last month.
It cost 100g for the mpp with Croatia this month. ( Don't let Croatian know that or I would get killed by them. 🙂 However Croatian are the best friends I have ever seen.)

And when the new changes come, Croatia will be in the same situation as Romania.
I know it in advance so I signed the mpp with Croatia for it saved 100g for eNK.
I know it is a gambling.
I know it is difficult these days for no war here.
