AAP Party President Candidate

Day 504, 08:53 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

I, Aren Perry, am running for the Party President of the America’s Advancement Party!

So, why should you vote for me over the other candidates?


As many people can vouch, I am an active member of the community and am active in the irc, eusforum.com and to some degree our party forum as well.

My activity in the game includes

AAP Head of Recruitment: (first term)
My duty in this role is to message those players that do not have parties to tell them why they should join our party. I have received much help in this department from Mark Halloway who has faithfully been my assistant. This can be very time consuming but Is a very, very, important role in our party as it is the life support of our group.

Congressman of Illinois: (Three terms)
The work for being a congressman involves, of course, election time and messaging people to let them know what I’m up to and why they should vote for me. During the month, voting on bills, debating taxes and foreign policies, and internal affairs of how things will work. These past few months the structure of congress has been reorganized with committee’s.

I am proud to say that I was put in charge as Chair of the Infrastructure Committee. This is another duty which I take upon myself, helping write up bills and proposals for Defense Systems and Hospitals. In the past two weeks, I have helped consider 3 different proposals, and have helped get two proposed and one passed.

Ambassador to Turkey: (Three terms)
I talk to Turkish people on a chat room and prepare a weekly report of my activity for my head officer. Generally, my job is just to hang out and chat with them, mostly about casual things like soccer. This is a very enjoyable role and I suggest that if you want to learn about other cultures, becoming an eUSA ambassador is a great idea.

Other duties include SADD Member and New Player Mentor so as you can tell, I do a lot in this game and am thus can be a good PP because I will represent (and already do represent) our party actively.


One of our beliefs as a party is that we should welcome all viewpoints in our party, and I intend to continue that heritage.

A friend of mine, Mattoze5, is running for CvP President. While I tend to be more liberal, and he definitely more conservative, we understand each other and will be able to do something unheard of-the AAP working together with the CvP to get things done for the USA, hopefully coming to the table to talk and find a middle ground. I strongly suggest that those in the CvP consider Mattoze5 for their vote.

Of course, as always, relationships with the USWP will remain strong. It is a long standing relationship that we deeply appreciate, as do certainly I personally. Their offer to let us run underneath their banner is very useful and something I took advantage of this past congressional election.

I do not believe the reports that the USWP party leadership are “overlords”. I know them some and I hope I will know them better, and to the best of my knowledge they are respectable gentleman.

The UIP Party President,Princessmedypi, is a good friend of mine. As well, the current PP of the Libertarians, MistressTalia and I have always gotten along well in congress (together we got the Public Information Act running, though currently it is being modified).

Thus, I can promise you that with my longstanding good relationships with the leadership in other parties, I will serve our party well.

Why am I running for PP?

Because I believe that we need strong leadership and that I can provide that. I love the AAP, and I greatly respect our previous leaders including Ian John Locke.
I am stepping up to the plate because I see a void that needs to be filled. I want to because I see that void and want to step up FOR the party after the departure of Ian John Locke. That is the reason I want to run, not fame, not another tab on my name. It is for the sake of the party and for the value that I place on it.

Plans for the Party

We need to get our name out there and help people understand us better. While PM’s are best in many ways, they are very hard (I would know!), and it is easier to get in touch with people through the media Thus, I intend to provide stronger media coverage of our party in the coming month.

I also intend on producing a more active committee for recruitment.

Further, I am looking for good ideas on how to bring positive light to the AAP. One idea I had was “Wage Fasts”. Now, we can’t particularly “fast” like you can in real life, but what if members of the AAP were to commit to giving all their wages for “X” days to the AAP organization to run our welfare program?

We accept donations all of the time and particularly at the beginning of the term, but this would be a fun way of getting people to get involved. Who can’t do without a few days wages anyways? Those that sign up and give will have their names published in a thank you article. This is one idea, and I’m looking for more. We may or may not implement this depending on how well it will work out. However,it is ideas like this that will help us get out there.

Not only will this get our name out there but it will help us provide our party members with more health. At the moment, with RW’s, the health of most individuals should be fine. However, we will focus our efforts on buying tickets for people to go to New Jersey and gifts to keep them +40 health.

As stated above, I intend to work bi-partisan, and make this party not a place for independents so much as a place for people of different viewpoints that want to come together and figure out how together we can make America strong.


One last thing I want to focus on for our party is that everyone should subscribe to our party newspaper. This will make it so much easier to get in contact with all of you as opposed to having to pm everyone. Also, subscribing to my personal newspaper would help as well, though most communication about the party will come through the party paper.

Any and all other ideas for how to grow/better our party are more than accepted.

Thank you for taking the time to either read or scan through all of this! I hope that a week from now you will believe that I am the right choice for the Party President of the America’s Advancement Party.

Aren Perry,
AAP Head of Recruitment
New Player Mentor
Ambassador to Turkey
SADD Member